Just an update for today....well I woke up this morning feeling like I needed to go for a BM. It resulted in a very small nugget being passed. I then felt like I needed to go again this afternoon, I went to the loo and passed a firm small stool but still felt like my bowels weren't empty.
I have just been again! As I felt I had to go and had a much more normal sized stool but I did have to strain a bit to get it out!! It wasn't particularly painful but it is now stinging a little so have jumped straight in the bath. I think I may return to using laxido as I know it keeps my stools soft rather than using the Fybogel the CRS advised me to take. Here's hoping I won't suffer too much pain wise this evening!! Off on my trip tomorrow! Spent too much money on it, not to go!! I'll post again in next couple of days x