How do you measure your progress?

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How do you measure your progress?

Postby frank » 08 Apr 2015, 09:38

I am going on week 6 right now since I noticed this fissure. I have been on Nifedipine for about 2 weeks.

In these 6 weeks I am really trying to get a feel if there is any progress. I can have days where it's nothing more than an uncomfortable poop and forgetting the rest of the day I even have a fissure then 2 days later go to the bathroom and its excruciating. And this has nothing to do with the size of my bowl movement. All pretty much same size and soft just like before I got the fissure.

Mixed within these days are completely unpredictable spasms. These are the things that are affecting my daily life. I hate them and I cant predict them. And they always happen (when they are going to happen) an hour or 2 after I went to the bathroom. I don't even mind the normal spasm where my sphincter is just tight and I can feel it (even though its annoying that its preventing the fissure from healing) but it's the burning and escalating pain that goes for hours until it reaches its peak then dissolves. These are the ones that are making this experience tough. Other stuff I could live with for some time and wait out the healing.

Only interesting pattern I have noticed is my escalating spasms only happen after i go in the morning. For some reason when I go at night, I do not get the long lasting spasms. I find this interesting. Am I more relaxed at night? But everyone keeps saying inner muscle is involuntary.

Was just wondering if this was all normal.
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Re: How do you measure your progress?

Postby Savaici » 10 Apr 2015, 22:20

When my fissure was "active," evenings were definitely best for me, especially as I take something to help me sleep. Was the only time thst I really had relief from the near constant pain! Maybe it is that our bodies relax as we get towards the evening anyway, leading to a domino effect, if it could be described like that. As with any thing AF, who knows!!
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