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Postby Guest » 18 Feb 2008, 14:33

I had my sigmoidoscopy last week and was told that everything looked fine except for the fissure.
I went for my 1 week follow up today and I have to go back in for a colonoscopy.
I was supposed to have a colonoscopy in the first place, and then it got changed to a sigmoidoscopy. The surgeon last week said all looked ok and they would discuss options today. I saw a different consultant today and he said they need to do a colonoscopy as my results were inconclusive...go figure!
As for the fissure, well I just have to keep on with the diltiazem for now, until they do the colonoscopy, and as this is the NHS that could take up to 12 weeks :roll:
They gave me the bowel prep meds today, they look quite heavy duty Image

Re: confused..

Postby val » 18 Feb 2008, 14:46

That is so like our NHS isn't it. I reckon that what they mean as "inconclusive" is "we don't have a bloody clue what's going on, so let's be on the safe side and do another test".

How horrible to have to worry about it for 12 weeks. Could you go to a private hospital?
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Re: confused..

Postby Guest » 18 Feb 2008, 14:49

What a drag. I wish they would have just done the colonscopy like they were supposed to. It is such a waste.

Re: confused..

Postby Fissulyna » 18 Feb 2008, 16:17

Well, I am speechless : ( !!! No matter how many times one hears horror stories about doctors incompetence , one can not get used to them ...
I am soo sorry Helen that you have to go through all of it once more time with all the pain that you are already in- just horrible : (.
Sending you a special HUG !
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Re: confused..

Postby Guest » 19 Feb 2008, 15:12

Val, typical NHS isn't it! I think they realised they made a mess up and should have done the colonscopy in the first place. I get the feeling they're covering their own backs now.
Can't go private at the moment, hubby is due to start a new job in April where he gets free healthcare, but he never got round to filling in the forms for the company he's at now so we're not covered. 2 children in private schools eats all our money up :( Good old Britain again hehe
Lecia, I really feel like last week was a complete waste of time, they don't seem to know what they're doing...
Fiss, Thanks for the hug hun :) I have a magnet attached that attracts incompetent dr's I believe :)
How are you all doing?

Re: confused..

Postby buttgirl » 19 Feb 2008, 16:53

I know how you feel. NHS seems as bad as Kaiser. Here in the states it's really a craps shoot (hehe) whether you'll be able to get a good dr through your employer's insurance. I think I have part of that magnet of your attached to my rear.
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