Blood 5 weeks post-op

No pain but new blood after successful LIS

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Blood 5 weeks post-op

Postby Broncosgirl » 04 May 2015, 09:39

Hi all,
I had my LIS 5 weeks ago and have been pain free for 4 weeks. At my post-op appointment I was told both my fissure and the surgery site were completely healed.

Today I had a decent amount of blood for the first time in a month after my BM. My BM was easy to pass and normal so I am unsure why this happened. There was no pain with the BM.

I am in a panic as I am worried I will continue to regress and end up in the situation I was in before surgery. Any wisdom/experience with this out there?
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Re: Blood 5 weeks post-op

Postby christie » 04 May 2015, 18:57

No words of wisdom to share. Call your CRS and ask them, or make an appointment. Try not to despair, nor go to the "dark place" of regressing. I am sure there is an explanation, and that all will be fine. I'll look for your update. I'm 3 weeks post LIS.
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Re: Blood 5 weeks post-op

Postby tigerbutt2 » 04 May 2015, 22:20

I had the same exact thing happen! Also about 5 weeks after my LIS which I think was a week or two before yours. I didn't have really have any pain either, just a little chaffed feeling after, but I totally panicked. Mine turned out to be a one day only thing and hasn't happened since. I think perhaps I had a small hemmie or something, but not sure. Hopefully yours is also only temporary!
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Re: Blood 5 weeks post-op

Postby Broncosgirl » 04 May 2015, 22:31

Thanks for the replies! I am going to get ahold of myself and give it another day or 2. If the bleeding continues or becomes painful I will call my CRS. I'll give an update soon.
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Re: Blood 5 weeks post-op

Postby Jbl22424 » 04 May 2015, 23:21

I have had similar issues after LIS but they have not been that big of a deal and have healed up quickly. I'm sure you'll be fine.
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
Miralax - godsend
Nitro - some improvement
LIS (May 2014) - cured for 3 months then setback
Feeling better for now
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No blood just burning~

Postby pregnantbutthurt » 06 May 2015, 06:05

Hi, I am new to this forum yet I have been obsessed with reading every single thread trying to figure out how to handle my fissure. I am pregnant currently 8 months and suffering with what I had no idea was a chronic fissure was worse than anything I had endured in life. I had LIS/Skin tag removal surgery 10 days ago and I am still searching for support with my main question. I am virtually pain free all day until I have to have a bowel movement. The movement itself is okay, I wouldn't necessarily call it painful, but the burning pain afterwards keeps me frozen in time before I can even take a step to get into a sitz bath. It seems no one has expanded on this burning pain and what they do to calm it quickly. My main concern is not so much at home, but in public. If I am out and about and get the urge to go, I am so scared that I will have to then be confined to a public restroom until the burning subsides and that keeps me inside. What do you suggest, or did you experience this at all?

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Re: Blood 5 weeks post-op

Postby msimon » 18 May 2015, 10:49

Any update Broncosgirl? How have you been?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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