Do I have a hemmie also??

not sure what i am feeling

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Do I have a hemmie also??

Postby Canadabum » 21 Jul 2015, 15:39

So I have been putting some cream up there for a couple weeks....and on my "good" days where i feel little pain in general and less awareness of what i have thought of as my fissure...i feel a generally smooth passage. I only stick my finger up about one knuckle.

Recently...and this has coincided with generally feeling a bit agitated down there -- but no blood and no real pain -- i feel something bulging and soft to the touch. It does not hurt when i touch it and i can press it this a hemmie?

If this an internal hemmie and how concerned should i be that this could turn in to something nasty?

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

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Re: Do I have a hemmie also??

Postby hurtinend » 21 Jul 2015, 18:45

sounds like an internal hemmie, usually not painful. If they get bigger, they can creep to the outside after bm.

Isn't this fun? Not.

If it's not painful, try not to worry about it, I know, it's not easy, we are all hyper sensitive about our ends.

Currently, I have some sort of lump just on the outside, it throbs here and there, might be a skin tag, I don't know.
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Re: Do I have a hemmie also??

Postby bumbumsong » 25 Aug 2015, 23:12

I have a stage 2 hemmie, it pops in and out on it's own. It's like soft squishy grape..if that helps.
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