Healed! - My story and things to consider for Type "A"s

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Healed! - My story and things to consider for Type "A"s

Postby TypeAguy » 23 Jul 2016, 10:35


I’m a long-time reader of the forum, first time poster. 36 yo male, history of mild IBS, otherwise healthy. I developed a fissure after a routine colonoscopy. I think this is a rare occurrence with this procedure, so in most cases i think the risk of “not” having a colonoscopy is greater than a risk of complication from it, so keep that in mind.

A few days later developed intense burning pain that didn’t go away. Got diagnosed with fissure and tried all the creams (nitro/channel blockers, etc.) the pain lessened to a tolerable level over the next few months, but it never went away. Was very hard to sit and concentrate at work.

Finally, after six months, i knew i would not heal by myself. I found an experience colorectal surgeon (NOT a general surgeon) who had done thousands of LIS surgeries. to be honest, recovery was not that bad. A week of recovery before going back to work and mild to moderate pain that diminished of the next several months. I did take longer to heal from the surgery from most, but i also had a small hemmoroidectomy, so that may have been the cause. The pain and recovery was nothing compared to fissure pain.

Now I’m virtually pain free, although i do have some mild rectal tightness on my left side. However, i’ve previous been diagnosed with Levitator Ani Syndrome, so suspect this is just my rectal muscles recovering from all the trama.

Lastly (and most importantly) I wanted to stress to all the “Type A” personalities out there about the importance of not “obsessing” about your condition. If you have read this post more than once, i’m talking to you!!! I know it’s hard to do. I read posts on this site nearly every day searching for answers to my condition. I tried all the remedies…coconut oil, suppositories, honey, everything…i spent a good portion of my day reading and re-reading posts for little gems of information. It’s my nature to do this.

At some point, i realized i needed to come up with a plan, and stick to it. I would follow my treatment plan, stop focusing on myself and my condition, and avoid this forum. Now, i’m not saying that this site is a HUGE resource for positivity and information. it’s a great forum and i’m so blessed it existed to give me the confidence to go through with surgery…If you are using this forum for an occasional boost of moral, excellent!!! but if you are like me, you can spend an eternity looking for an answer, when one is right under your nose. After your treatment plan is in place, stick to it. When your plan is not working, you will know and don’t be afraid to do surgery.
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Re: Healed! - My story and things to consider for Type "A"s

Postby pinpin » 27 Jul 2016, 01:08

Welcome as poster! Thank you sharing you story and I am indeed happy your are healed now!
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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