Second LIS and/or fistulotomy three months post op

Nonhealing wound

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Re: Second LIS and/or fistulotomy three months post op

Postby horsetrainer » 21 Nov 2016, 14:32

Update: just had my exam under anesthesia/fistulotomy. Heading home from the surgery center now. The surgeon did NOT have to perform a repeat LIS, much to my relief. He found a fistula had formed at the site of the LIS incision. He opened that up and made the old incision larger. The goal is to drain the fistula and keep it open while it heals from the base up. I don't think open vs closed LIS caused the problem. Just bad luck. He said the internal sphincter is not tight anymore and it didn't not need a second division. As I write this I'm lying in the back seat of my car as my husband drives me home. The local anesthetic is wearing off and it really hurts! But the really great news is that my decades-old fissure is 100 percent healed! I am determined to stay positive and this is just a minor setback!
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Re: Second LIS and/or fistulotomy three months post op

Postby Mommylife » 24 Nov 2016, 11:35

I my LIS done this past Monday. It was open LIS due to all my scare tissue I had with my Hemorrhoidectomy 3 months ago. I can't take the pain meds bc it made May have severe migraine nausea and dry heaves. So I'm dealing with the pain. It really hurts when bms bc I feel like the poop is just sitting on the open incision and can't get clean to make it stop hurting and spasming. Any recommendactions on how to fix this or clean it on the inside. I'm worried about infection setting up.
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Re: Second LIS and/or fistulotomy three months post op

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 Nov 2016, 12:19

I had closed LIS two weeks ago and use the shower head to clean that area and also sitz baths with oregano coconut and tea tree. I kneel in the bath too and swish the water around that area. I also use Staphysagria which helps surgical wounds heal...and have used calcium fluoride and calcium sulphate and silica which is meant to prevent infection. I also put polysporin up there twice a day. My incision site is now completely healed...the fissure unfortunately is very much still there.
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