Feeling depressed....

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Feeling depressed....

Postby Danh » 28 Mar 2017, 08:56

Hi All,

I am new to the forum and was after some advice/support

I am a 24 year old male who has suffered with a chronic anal fissure for over a year and a half.

I live in the UK and recently had Botox for my fissure on the NHS, i had my botox in November last year and things were great! For a couple of months.... :(

Now the pain is back with vengeance and i feel so close to breaking point, I've literally broke down crying in tears not only because of the pain but because i am getting messed around :(

The short story of it is, my consultant whom i saw isn't very nice or sympathetic and basically told me the NHS in my area are no longer funding botox after the 1st injection and that my only option is to either have LIS or put up with it.

I am extremely concerned about the "minor incontinence" possible risk, so much so i asked if there is any other way i could possibly have a 2nd round of botox as i was told by the consultant's secretary there is a certain "criteria" of where you are able to have it again.

Basically i got passed back and forth from the hospital's consultant to my doctors, i saw a doctor the other day who was very rude and basically said what do you want me to do about it the consultant is the one who should be asking for funding not me, i then got back onto the secretary who was surprised and said leave it with me.

At this stage i haven't heard anything yet in regards to the possible 2nd round of botox, i am in so much pain i am considering having LIS done however i am $hitting it, everybody i talk to my family, my friends my fiancee all know what my luck is like (I was recently discharged from my mental health team and when i first met my worker he said i was exaggerating and was sure i wasn't that unlucky, by the time i was discharged he agreed i had to be the unluckiest person he has ever met!)

And it is for this reason everyone i know is telling me not to have LIS, that i may have to wear adult incontinence pad for the rest of my life and i'm only 24 ! It really doesn't help when my consultant isn't very nice neither the doctor.

But i am after some advice from other people who have had LIS, i have IBS and can sometimes struggle to just about to get to the loo as it is - has anyone had the surgery done who has IBS as well?

I have read quite a lot of posts and can see its generally overwhelmingly positive but can't see anyone who's had this and how it's affecting them living with IBS as well.

I am currently seeking a 2nd opinion as from what i can see there is another surgery for a sort of skin graft to put over the fissure which won't cause incontinence and currently inquiring about going private to get this sorted ASAP (even though i can't afford it!)

Thank you for reading my essay! Any comments and input are greatly appreciated..

Thank you.
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Re: Feeling depressed....

Postby Danh » 20 Apr 2017, 15:15

LOL thanks for your great contribution!
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Re: Feeling depressed....

Postby AJStyles » 20 Apr 2017, 15:30

It is what it is. This is not cancer, just a little fucking cut in your ass. Get your surgery or live with it bro. Its not gonna heal with cremes or some shit. Didnt work for me. So i got surgery 2 weeks ago. And now it seems like its healing.
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Re: Feeling depressed....

Postby patience_and_healing » 20 Apr 2017, 23:45

@AJStyles- on this forum we are only about compassionate support, NOT abusive messages. I'm sure Dan has legitimate reasons to fear the surgery and he's not alone in his fears.

@Dan- The first step is to find a surgeon you can trust. Right now they sound like they are difficult to deal with.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
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Re: Feeling depressed....

Postby dmcff » 21 Apr 2017, 06:00

AJStyles wrote:It is what it is. This is not cancer, just a little fucking cut in your ass. Get your surgery or live with it bro. Its not gonna heal with cremes or some shit. Didnt work for me. So i got surgery 2 weeks ago. And now it seems like its healing.

This is definitely the wrong way to give support. Different people require different treatment, and it's not a game of chicken.

Please in future be more considerate of Danh, and of other posters here, including myself.

2014 Anal fissure
2015 CAT, EUA, sigmoidoscopy, 2 MRI
2016 Pain severe then moderate to low
2017 Moderate pain
2018 Physical therapy, pain management
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Re: Feeling depressed....

Postby Diaboliq » 21 Apr 2017, 09:35

Although not said in the best way, i'd agree and say if you are to the point where you are considering it, then just get it over with. That's what I didn't, I'm on day 2 -and already feel way better then I did pre-surgery. My CRS has 95% success rate, and has only seen one retear in his entire career. After the first day I could hold in my gas with no problem. Don't let incontinence scare make your life a living hell. I was OK with the super small chance. Especially being male and so young (I'm 32), you are basically a prime candidate. I'd say just do it, it's really not as bad as having a fissure.

Good luck!
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Re: Feeling depressed....

Postby Mr Fissure » 21 Apr 2017, 09:45

Hi Danh, as others have said the incontinence risk is very small and even less if you are male. Also the incontinence risk they're referrring to is very minor eg. skid marks, rather than loss of control of bowels.
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Re: Feeling depressed....

Postby Danh » 21 Apr 2017, 09:48

Thanks for all your responses, I have requested a 2nd opinion from another consultant one who is hopefully more understanding and my appointment is in two weeks, but in the meantime my name has been put down for LIS to not delay the process.

I appreciate your responses, and hope that it goes all well obviously i am just very concerned as i am trying to train to become a police officer and if anything goes wrong my dream career is ruined.
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Re: Feeling depressed....

Postby Danh » 13 Jul 2017, 07:45

For anybody wondering, I sought a second opinion who advised me that a further botox done privately would have a 50% chance of resolving the issue but LIS had 70% chance with greater possible risks of leakage etc potential difficulty in holding in wind etc, for me this could possibly mean life changing i really wouldn't want anything like that, and would really struggle to achieve my dream career if i had these issues, and as my pain hasn't been too bad i have cancelled my LIS and if things flare up again i will be going private for an additional botox injection.

Thanks to everyone for the positive comments and replies. I will update this thread if i have any new news so anyone who may be in the same boat can have a look!
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