desperate n depressed


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Re: desperate n depressed

Postby mojo » 05 Jan 2017, 05:49

Mine's long too and the muscle's exposed underneath. She said just 2 applications but am tempted to do double it too. I applied it straight after bm this morning inside the anus. Will see if they have ths painkiller here as everything else is useless. Op was mentioned as had AF 3 yrs and I was prob stupid to think I could cure it fasting.

Thorny question: BOOZE. Yes I confess after effing hours of agony I cannot deprive myself of a few glasses of wine in the evening. To relax. White wine. Is it so terrible for AFs? I drink gallons of water.
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Re: desperate n depressed

Postby Mypoorbutt » 05 Jan 2017, 05:57

You are best getting the op as soon as possible if the muscle is exposed I had to have Botox first to try and get it to heal a bit as my surgeon prefers to be able to make the cut as long as the fissure. Yes I can't see an issue putting it on 4x a day I did that for at least 4 months with no issues.
Nope nothing else touched my pain not Valium ormorph only the gabapentin...think it's because it blocks the actual signals
I can't help with the wine as with my IBS it goes straight through me so I haven't had any in ages...had a small glass over holiday period but took loperamide with it lol...I used to love a good Zinfandel...I guess the only issue would be possible dehydration but if your drinking water then it shouldn't be a problem, if you manage to get the gabapentin though would stay away from the wine lol.
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Re: desperate n depressed

Postby mojo » 05 Jan 2017, 06:30

Am I wrong in understanding u had the op but still suffer? Is that down to IBS? Really feel for u having that AND having to avoid wine.

Have put more cream up/on but spasms worse than ever. Have so had enough of this.
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Re: desperate n depressed

Postby Mypoorbutt » 05 Jan 2017, 08:42

Yes I have had LIS about 8 week ago now and for the first month it was hell due to the IBS but it is now slowly getting better.
I know I used to have a tub of Hagen Das ice cream and a bottle of Zinfandel every weekend...haven't touched either in 18 months (sobs quietly in corner lol)
I think the sooner you have the op the better there comes a point when nothing else will work. Most people find immediate relief especially from the spasms.
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Re: desperate n depressed

Postby mojo » 05 Jan 2017, 09:10

When you've time and if u don't mind could u describe your LIS experience? Pre during and after? What's the first bm like after it? I'm squirmish but am desperate and right now can't wait to get it done.
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Re: desperate n depressed

Postby Mypoorbutt » 05 Jan 2017, 10:06

Yes Hun,
Pre LIS I wasn't having many spasms but my fissure was very long and deep my CRS said it was awfully horrendous lol
The day of the op I couldn't eat but didn't have to do a bowel prep or enema. Got to the hospital and had basic checks blood pressure temp etc met with the anesthetist and my CRS. Walked down to the theatre and after a while getting the cannula in....think my veins had shrunk in fear. I drifted off to sleep.
Woke up and my butt was uncomfortable...I had a closed LIS so there was stitches up there, no padding up there though.
Went home the same day and did have to take cocodamol for the pain. No real bleeding just a tiny bit of spotting.
Now I hadn't eaten for 4 days before as my bowel can show off due to nerves so I didn't go to the toilet for 3 days after.
First BM was bad I went to sit on the toilet and it felt like my stitches were going to split so...and I apologise but I needed to go and could not sit...I had to stand up and have a BM in the shower...lots of bleach on shower after. I would say the pain on that first BM was a 7/8 but no spasms after. Went the next day and I could sit down and pain was about a 4/5....I'm sure I would have healed quickly but then my IBS kicked off and everything hurt so much but. I'm still glad I did it
Please ask if you have any specific questions.
I was really frightened of being put to sleep like nearly crying but the nurses and doctors are always kind and understanding.
Keep on top of your pain relief and I'm sure everything will go great
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Re: desperate n depressed

Postby mojo » 07 Jan 2017, 07:20

Thanx for that. The cream seems to be working in that spasms have lessened and my partner says fissure is closing (at least part he can see as it's internal too) BUT I have the most awful burning n stinging. Is that a sign of healing?? The burning worse than my 4.2 kilo daughter crowning!

Even after 2 bms this morning (first with my daughter tantrumming at my feet) still no glass up arse spasms. Just this burning n stinging.

Back to proctologist Tues and even if she confirms it's healing I'm seriously considering the op anyway. Any thoughts? Have huge sentinel pile and whole anal canal feels so tight and (tmi) the poo can hardly come out (NT constipation but structural blockage. Colostomy bag anyone?)
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Re: desperate n depressed

Postby mojo » 07 Jan 2017, 07:21

Btw first post I've left while not in bath. Just on a hot water bottle..massive improvement as far as I'm concerned!
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Re: desperate n depressed

Postby Mypoorbutt » 07 Jan 2017, 08:23

It's great the spasms have stopped as they are the worst pain. The burning could be just fissure pain, without the spasms. I still get that now even after LIS as my fissure hasn't healed yet. The best thing is now your spasms have stopped the blood flow can get to the area and aid healing.
Whether you decide to have LIS or not is up to you but if you have a high resting pressure then it may be for the best especially if your struggling with BMs
Trust me it's really hard to get a colostomy I have asked and begged and even with my crohns IBS and now fissures I was still refused, but the bags bring their own issues too I have lots of friends with crohns who have them. But if my pain ever goes back up to the agony everyday I will fight to get one.
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Re: desperate n depressed

Postby getmylifeback » 07 Jan 2017, 16:10

Hello Mojo,

I can relate with your situation, the agony of AF is the worst i have ever faced in my life and it has caused so much anxiety and has really affected my quality of life. I too am dealing with my worst bouts of AF in 6 years, and im looking to asking for the LIS when i see my CRS. Try using docusate sodium (colace), it will soften the stool and help with the spasms. I think you should just try to be as comfortable as possible before you see the doc and get the OP. Based on statistics, you should be over the hill after that. So just look forward to the surgery and getting your life back.
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