Weaning from laxatives (LIS done)

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Weaning from laxatives (LIS done)

Postby Laurieb » 05 Jul 2017, 07:27

I had my LIS done few days ago, and I wonder, for those who had the surgery too, how you progressively stopped the laxatives?

Here's what I take each day:
1 - one dose of lax a day (peg 3350)
2 - 3 L of water
3 - during the day +++ veggies, fruits, whole grains.
4 - arbonne fiber supplement at night with 1 tbs of mineral oil mixed in apple sauce

Even with all this, I still need to push a little. When I got home from my surgery and I started again this routine, my 1st bm was easy to pass, but now it changed. Last week also before my LIS, I noticed the same thing, kind of a mild constipation.

I worry because I don't want to up the doses. I'm scared that my body is starting to be dependant of the multiple laxatives. Also, specifically, I don't like mineral oil. On the bottle it says to not take it for more than 7 days. So I understand it's more of a short term method?

I tried also the colace several times when I had my fissure, but I find them less efficient than mineral oil.

Any tips?
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Re: Weaning from laxatives (LIS done)

Postby hurtinend » 05 Jul 2017, 19:34

add about 4 stewed prunes to your apple sauce:

Stewed prunes are one of the effective ways to treat constipation. For this process, you can either use fresh prunes or dried prunes. If you are using dried prunes, then you can soak them for few hours prior using them. Stewed prunes can be stored in an airtight container and refrigerated to keep them fresh.


Into a medium sized soup pot, add 2 1/2 cup of water and 2 cups of pitted prunes.
Bring the mixture to boil on medium-high flame.
Once the mixture starts boiling, turn the heat down and let it simmer for 25 minutes.
Once the prunes are soft, remove from the flame and let the stewed prunes cool down.
Eat stewed prunes regularly prevents constipation.
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Re: Weaning from laxatives (LIS done)

Postby patience_and_healing » 06 Jul 2017, 20:54

I would suggest taking the fiber supplement with breakfast so your miralax dose has the opportunity to soften it up. Mineral oil is good only for short term because it interferes with absorption of some vitamins. Plus if you suffer from acid reflux at night it could find its way into your lungs and cause problems there. Stewed prunes should also be helpful as is prune juice, which is quite potent and more effective at room temperature ( as I was told).
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Re: Weaning from laxatives (LIS done)

Postby Laurieb » 09 Jul 2017, 09:07

Thanks for the tips Hurtinend and P & H.

So since 2 days I've cut the mineral oil. Also, I mix my fiber supp with my lax a day in the morning instead, and after dinner I take 2 colaces. My bm are now more like they were before my fissure episodes. I'll stick with this routine for a while, until I'm healed. And I might try the prunes when I'll gradually cut the lax a day in a few months.
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Re: Weaning from laxatives (LIS done)

Postby Laurieb » 16 Aug 2017, 20:40

Update : Now at 6 weeks post LIS and since few days now I'm super constipated and I don't understand why.

I cut the Lax A Day last week, but each day I drink 3 L of water, I have 1 tbsp of grounded flax seed, I eat dried prunes and I take my fiber supplement at night in my kefir. Also 3 colaces before bed (was taking 2 before but took also the lax a day).

What am I doing wrong?

I'm going to see a nutritionnist about this problem. I can't see myself healing if I have to strain each day.
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Re: Weaning from laxatives (LIS done)

Postby patience_and_healing » 17 Aug 2017, 12:49

It sounds like a frustrating situation. I think dairy can sometimes be constipating if one isn't lactose intolerant. Also it's possible that it's too early to cut the miralax. My CRS said it's safe to take long term and isn't habit forming since it's not a stimulant. Also I was advised to take the fiber supplement (benefiber) in the morning. I would stay on Miralax until the healing period has passed and you're feeling better. Sometimes the imbalance of soluble and insoluble fiber can also clog up the colon.
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Re: Weaning from laxatives (LIS done)

Postby hurtinend » 17 Aug 2017, 19:13

that must be so frustrating. Sounds like you are doing good things that should get things moving.

At this point I would suggest you go to the health food store and get an herbal laxative tea, or something in pill form.

In the past I used a product called "Cleanse More". It contains Rhubarb and Triphala and a few other natural ingredients. It worked great for me.
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Re: Weaning from laxatives (LIS done)

Postby Laurieb » 23 Aug 2017, 20:13

Thanks for the tips P&h and hurtinend

I saw the nutrinionist and ahe gave me some suggestions, mainly regarding the soluble fiber to prefer over the insoluble ones, the augmentation of Omega3 and to try different probiotics and fermented food.

Also she suggested I cut the colaces and resume the Lax A Day. She thinks it's better. Will have a follow up with her in 6 weeks. I might also try the pelvic floor therapy, will see.
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