My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

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Re: My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

Postby desperatehousewife » 14 Mar 2011, 22:52

LOL, my brother and husband have both suggested I give it a try. I used to smoke in highschool but landed up with a really bad throat infection which I attribute to having too much fun in a week! Maybe it'll be less harsh with a bong...
Really a drug is a drug. Whether it is coffee, alcohol, valium, tylenol, etc., it all changes your brain chemistry. The only reason the government doesn't condone it is because they currently do not tax or regulate it. I'm not a big pot smoker myself, but see nothing wrong with it. When was the last time you heard of a man beating his wife or robbing a store because he was stoned. Never? More likely drunk, lol. Sorry to say a man in my example. Women can rob liquor stores too, lol. I think if it helps, why not?
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Re: My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

Postby desperatehousewife » 14 Mar 2011, 22:53

I forgot to say that was very informative Neruopathic Guy!
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Re: My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

Postby Elphie » 15 Mar 2011, 15:29

It really doesn't help the pain but I get to sleep almost instantly where the pain used to keep me up.
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Re: My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

Postby Soreguy » 18 Mar 2011, 05:59

Pot is a good pain killer.
If you are worried about smoking it and it can be prescribed, it should be able to be turned into hashish oil from a compounding pharmacy, it is very easy to do, I wont explain how but I have done it myself in my backyard in the past.
There are also THC tablets on the market for medicinal marijuana if they arnt available in your country you can always apply for a permit to import if you have a prescription
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Re: My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

Postby Elphie » 18 Mar 2011, 06:45

Well, neither my CRS or my GP will prescribe it for me, they say it is only for "severe pain", well I now know neither one of them has ever had a fissure! They have no idea what it's like to have a lit cigarette up your butt 24/7! So I found it myself. It's really helping me sleep and my mood seems to b better from getting (almost) enuf sleep! Thanx for all the tips!
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Re: My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

Postby Soreguy » 18 Mar 2011, 06:50

Well I was having severe pain until I started keeping the area clean now I dont get much pain at all.
But if it is persisting and doctors are being ignorant you need to manipulate them, tell them you are cold water extracting codeine tablets. The dangers to that are opiate addiction not even comparable to pot use, so it should change their mind on the situation.
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Re: My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

Postby BR1979 » 28 May 2011, 11:44

Please stay away from Pot..
Wasting your lungs wont help anything in the long run!
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Re: My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

Postby Elphie » 28 May 2011, 22:04

It was short lived... Didn't really help and I have a 16 yr old...was feeling very guilty!
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Re: My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

Postby Wazoo » 08 Nov 2018, 07:35

Cannabis seems to be the 'flavor-of-the-month' trending on the Internet lately. If you web browse long enough, you'll learn that it does everything from curing cancer to raising the dead from their graves.

I'm about three months into my AF trip as I write this. I've come to believe that the root cause of this issue - indeed, pretty much all of my issues - is chronic stress.

I saw my doc a few days ago and, having exhausted the conventional non-surgical therapies (diltiazem, sitz, fiber, hydration, diet change, stool softener . . .), she's suggested surgery (LIS).

I *REALLY* want to avoid surgery, if at all possible.

And so, I'm looking at alternative therapies, and addressing the chronic stress issue has floated to the top of my priorities.
- Vitamin C supplement. 500mg, 2x daily after b'fast and dinner.
- CBD salve. This is a beeswax-based product. I'm not sure if the relief it brings is attributable to the actual CBD or because, due to its waxy consistency, it needs to get sort of massaged into the butthole. No miracle here, but it is soothing.
- Pot-smoking. I started this only the day before yesterday. I'm hoping it may help relax the muscle to allow healing. I learned a long time ago that I'm one of those who get anxious after smoking and actually find it somewhat unpleasant. My approach is to smoke just a *little* bit. Just a few flakes in the pipe, just enough to get a lungful of smoke, is plenty enough to feel a mild relaxing effect. You don't need to get stoned senseless to feel the (hopefully beneficial) effects. Again, no miracle here, but I've only been at it for a day.
- Mindfulness. I've previously dabbled with meditation and know that I can affect my overall condition by consciously relaxing muscles. Western culture trains us to suck it in, suck it up, and we go about all day with our abdominal and gut muscles tightened. I got a timer app on my phone to play a little 'gong' sound about every half hour. I use it to remind myself to stand up, pace about, and consciously relax my gut and my butt muscles. Also, it occurs to me that the 15-20 minutes I spend on the sitz several times each day is the perfect opportunity for a meditation session.

Just thought I'd share my (limited) experience with CBD/THC. . .
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Re: My teenager says try smoking pot to relax

Postby hurtinend » 11 Nov 2018, 19:13

thc...the high version of pot...will help you if you have a certain brain chemistry. Those with the right chemistry will relax and float on clouds. Those with the wrong chemistry (me), will feel paranoid, anxious and more stressed.
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