LOL. Ok I have to admit that I definitely didn't expect to see this particular topic here :)
Anyhow I used to smoke pot for recreational purposes and now have a medical marijuana card. I use it for an anxiety and chronic pain disorder and it works nicely. Much better (and less damaging IMO) than a lot of traditional drugs I've tried -- it helps me relax, sleep better, and improves appetite a lot.
The main side effect obviously is that you get high. This can be a good or a bad thing. I'm personally fine with it since I'm pretty used to it from my recreational days (I used to smoke a lot back then). But some folks respond poorly and it can cause a paradoxical effect where anxiety actually increases acutely. Other folks get sick to the stomach. So responses, like any other psychotropic drug, are very individual. And just like other drugs, poor reactions tend to be more common in the beginning and usually eventually lessen greatly or wear off altogether (or in the case of pot, can become very pleasant :)).
There's not much to be scared of as far as trying it IMO. Noticeable marijuana effects wear off after a few hours max. I will say, though, that I tried pot when my fissure was acute (because it supposedly helps with muscle spasms) and didn't get any real ass-related relief from it. I suppose it could help if anxiety is a big component in your fissure problem, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too high is all... (pun unintended
Also, if you don't smoke cigarettes, cigars, etc., pot will be really harsh to smoke. You'll probably get a sore throat, coughing, and so on. If you want to lessen that, you can use a water pipe or vaporizer (this is what I use since it produces no smoke whatsoever), or simply eat "edibles" (which can be baked at home or purchased from cannabis clubs).
Disclaimer: I don't condone breaking laws or illicit drug use. But I happen to live in a state that's liberal on marijuana, and I've definitely found therapeutic value in pot (just not for my fissure), so consider the above my personal experiences only. Your mileage may vary.
There is supposedly pot around now that won't get you high. I've never tried it myself but it may be worth a go if you're looking for therapeutic value minus stoned value.
Now I've officially seen everything possible on this forum :)