I've been suffering from chronic anal fissure for the past year. I consulted multiple doctors and tried all medications possible with no sight of cure. I recently began using the coconut oil and found it to help in relieving the pain. Since the oil melts in my hand, I decided to make homemade suppositories. I've been using them at night and they seem to be working. I've been pain free for one week, but not completely healed.
To aid the healing better, I started using the suppository during the day time and have been experiencing some pain like discomfort. I also read that the use of the bullet size suppository could cause more tears. Has anyone that used suppository share some tips on what you did to help you? For instance, did you peel and insert the suppository directly from the freezer or did you leave it out for a few mins to melt before inserting?
Your help is greatly appreciated!