though i have soft BMs there is always a feeling of tearing all around and a sort of burning sensation upon STARTING my bm. Just at the beginning. nothing during the bm but then also afterwards i get this soreness. I dont think its the fissure. and when i get the feeling of BM i also get pain BEFORE initinating the BM right inside the anus. apart from this i get this werid burning and felling like pins in my perineum (area bw anus and balls) whenevr i walk or sit likely cuz of friction. Like the hair down there irritating the skin. If i sit to log at a sofa the entire area feels raw. I think the skin of that area has gone too thin and im deathly afraid it may not be like before. Also i feel like the softer the bm, more the burning overall. If its hard then more pain initially but not so much burning. sometimes even farts burn.
I dont understand why any of this is happening. I want my life back so much