The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Progress is so slow just wanted reassurance

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The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby SueMac » 13 Jun 2019, 12:50

Hi all, I just wanted to check in as Ive had a sore couple of days and for no good reason. I seem to have a pattern of several no or very low pain then even with good bm a few days of post bm soreness which lasts the day for no good reason in my view. Why on why?

I'm still seeing a pelvic floor therapist. She is massaging the spasming and inflamed bits. I think it helps pain levels never get as high as they did before. I can function, I work, I drive, I look after my kids but with this sore butt nagging at me. Sleep is bad on the sore days. Sleep is ok on the not sore days.

Will it ever ever actually go away? The therapist is positive it will.

Do you think stress plays a role guys? My eldest is doing her exams, I've been quite involved. Hubby works long hours and commutes far so I manage a lot on my own. Finally been spending last four weekends in garden shifting concrete and earth in wheelbarrow to a skip its been quite heavy work. Could it affect the fissure through pressure? Tiredness and overdoing it? My back has been stiff from this work but loosening up a little now.

Just a little blue about this and need a boost if it's possible. :(
Hope you are all on upward trend.
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby Pherianne » 13 Jun 2019, 18:07

I think stress plays a big role in all of this. I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. I hope you’re feeling better soon.

I’d lay off moving the rubble. It’s probably irritating the fissure.

I’ve been given instillagel to try it’s a numbing thing. You can use it in your front and back to numb everything. It’s a prescription version of the EMLA Cream. If you’re able ask your GP for some x boots pharmacy stock EMLA cream xx

Aside from the marijuana ( which I haven’t had fir a few days now) numbing stuff is helping a lot.
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby SueMac » 14 Jun 2019, 01:32

Thanks Pherianne, I haven't been to my gp since the crs discharged me saying the fissure had healed soreness may remain!!! Argh he's not the one with the soreness. I haven't seen point of seeing a doctor. I am seeing a pelvic floor therapist as I said. I might see what she says next week when I go if I ought to ask gp for pain relief.

Yep rubble all done now phew!!
How are you doing anyhow?
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby Bloodybum » 14 Jun 2019, 11:38

I personally have come to the conclusion that there's really not much rhyme or reason when it comes to the chronic fissures. Acute ones, yeah it's just sitz baths + no constipation = healing & progress. But for us chronic folks it's like the muscle spasms simply aren't regulated quite right in our bodies. I had one day the other week where for no apparent reason I had ZERO spasms all day, not even tenderness really. No idea why. And the reverse is true as well with big pain even though nothing's different. I'm sure everything *can* affect it, but ultimately with these chronic fissures I think trying to analyze it is mostly fruitless and there's not much to do but accept that your body is just taking you for a ride.

I also think those of us that like to go to forums like this are prone to over-analyzing our own bodies & conditions, and the best thing is to stay as active as you can, eat basically healthy stuff, get sleep, and find a doctor you trust and work with them.
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby Abu » 14 Jun 2019, 12:03

Bloodybum you spoke to my heart. I am feeling exactly the same as you after so many years. This doesn't mean I will ever give up, it's already a way of life that I got accustomed with, meaning eating healthy, trying to prioritize sleep, getting exercise and working on reducing stress. My belief is that our bodies are capable of miraculous healing but we need to find that key...
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby Bloodybum » 14 Jun 2019, 14:41

Agreed abu. One thing I forgot is keep friends & family close. They can help keep you sane, even though it can be embarrassing or tough when it feels like they might not fully appreciate what your dealing with.
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby SueMac » 15 Jun 2019, 09:45

Thanks bloodybum and Abu -I agree with all you say. It’s good in way to know that you too have a massively unpredictable element to this as there is a tendency to admonish yourself for oh I ate this or I did that etc when actually these bad days just happen.
The other stuff is also true family, looking after oneself etc. And although the forum makes you analyse it is still invaluable to have like minded people to talk to. Once again thanks.
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby sadbutt » 16 Jun 2019, 00:10

I’ve been feeling really down recently following some backward steps myself, and I just wanted to take a moment to send you some positive healing thoughts.

The ongoing soreness sounds really distressing - I am sorry that you’re experiencing that. Is there anything that you can continue (even though your fissure is healed) that might mitigate the soreness? I’m thinking Sitz Baths etc - but you’ll know best what worked well for you. Sending you heaps of healing positivity for better days ahead!
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby SueMac » 16 Jun 2019, 15:11

Sadbutt thanks for your kind words. It’s a matter of just keep trying to find what works and places like this forum are great for ideas.
I’m sorry to hear you are not in a good place at the moment, I also send healing wishes.
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Re: The steps forward one back - positive thoughts needed

Postby owmybum » 18 Jun 2019, 03:16

I know how you feel suemac.... I’ve taken a huge step back..... it’s very demoralising... but trying to stay positive is the key. Xx
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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