Oozing/discharge after surgery: how much for how long?

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Oozing/discharge after surgery: how much for how long?

Postby ttt2018 » 01 May 2019, 13:00

Have any of you experienced oozing/discharge (mucous/liquid) long after your surgery? If so, for how long, and did it finally go away OK?

I'm still experiencing this 6 weeks after fistulectomy for superficial fistula. Doctors have said it is normal and not infected, and that the oozing could continue till it's fully healed. However, I am quite fearful it indicates a new abscess, since it is fairly constant and does not seem to be improving. I have no other symptoms to indicate an abscess, but it's a very similar pattern to the previous time.

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Re: Oozing/discharge after surgery: how much for how long?

Postby ttt2018 » 20 Jul 2019, 01:13

I'm responding to my own post to report that this was normal wound healing and not an infection. The fibrin oozing continued until about week 11 post-op, without ever decreasing much, and then ended fairly abruptly around week 12.
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Re: Oozing/discharge after surgery: how much for how long?

Postby chachacha » 20 Jul 2019, 09:53

Thank you very much for updating your situation. When people are searching oozing and discharge now, they will have both your issue and your outcome.
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