CT scan question

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CT scan question

Postby MartinB » 10 Apr 2023, 16:25

I have a CT scheduled for next week and would appreciate opinions. I am having the scan because I wonder if the bowel movements which cause swelling, are also causing scar tissue (if there is any) to try to pull, which might be causing the pain because the scar tissue remains taut.

I have severe pain every 3 days (which is the only time I have bowel movements), and no pain on the other two days.

Would it be better to scan my anus while it is swollen, angry and sore, or could those inflamed tissues obscure the full view? Or would that work to my benefit so that they can see everything at its worst, so they know more fully what is happening?

Or should I go on a good day (which would be much easier for me!), but then have the result show nothing, since nothing in the area is stretched out of place?

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Re: CT scan question

Postby patience_and_healing » 11 Apr 2023, 17:17

I don't know much about CTs, but it makes sense to me to go on a day when you have pain. I hope the scan gives you some answers.
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Re: CT scan question

Postby MartinB » 13 Apr 2023, 20:22

Thanks for your opinion, and your hope!
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Re: CT scan question

Postby chachacha » 20 Apr 2023, 23:02

It turns out that it was the right call to go while in pain. No answers have been revealed by the scan, but it is noted that "Minimal submucosal fat is noted in the region of the rectum suggestive of chronic inflammation.". At least that will show my CRS that there is definitely something going on there. I will update again after my doctor calls me about the results (I just obtained them from the hospital via their patient portal). Also, everything else from my lower lungs downward are all in good condition (phew!).
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