Disordered eating

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Disordered eating

Postby ruchgupt » 12 Jun 2023, 19:00

Hi all;

Ever since this fissure I’ve fallen prey to disordered eating. I’m taking in less than 1k cals a day and I’m 4”9 and 125 pounds. Fiber is too high a ratio of those calories (currently averaging 14-18g) and so my stools are bulkier as well. But I can’t seem to land on what the right diet or meal plan is.

I guess my question is - how do you all approach the food issue? How do you plan meals? What are the ratios of diff nutritional types you use? Eg proteins and fibers? Thank you in advance for any help!
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Re: Disordered eating

Postby ruchgupt » 16 Jun 2023, 11:59

Updating here - I’ve been keeping a food diary w the goal of getting at least 1 fruit or veggie a day, and keeping my fiber to calorie ratio good (eg not too much and not too little) I had two days of amazing BMs and then suddenly got diarrhea. The one challenge is figuring out what combo of things made the magic - Miralax + diet? Or the diet was key and Miralax is actually causing me diarrhea? The guessing game makes an already fraught exercise really anxiety inducing but I try to just say I’ll take it a day at a time. Really keen to hear other people’s’ experiences trialing and erroring w food. Thanks!
Salt Bather
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