Miralax giving me loose stools

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Miralax giving me loose stools

Postby ruchgupt » 19 Jun 2023, 19:02

I’ve tried to use miralax but I find that after a few days, I get uncontrollably loose stools and diarrhea. It just doesn’t seem to keep that sweet spot of the first day I take it - was thinking of experimenting with taking smaller doses or every other day but curious as to how folks who have had this problem have addressed it? For now, keeping my BMs soft by keeping my fiber intake at the recommended threshold and not a gram more - I do tend to have to go more than I’d like, and they’re sometimes more gassy BMs than I’d like, but testing out not using Miralax/a stool softener at all, anyone else do that?
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Re: Miralax giving me loose stools

Postby Hazey123 » 22 Jun 2023, 05:46

I had exactly the same issue yesterday, went 3x which is not ideal. Slightly wondering what to do today. Maybe a half dose. I’m scared of taking nothing today as it can switch so quick to a hard BM which for me is worse. So I’m just reducing my dose in response and hoping this is ok. It’s just so variable it’s hard to control it totally. The way forward has to be just minor alterations to dosage I think!
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Re: Miralax giving me loose stools

Postby ruchgupt » 22 Jun 2023, 06:12

Fwiw I have actually stopped taking the miralax altogether for the last 5-6 days and I’m still going 4x a day…I wonder if this is just how my digestive system is when I’m not trained to strain! The stools are still soft for now - sometimes too soft, they look a little gassy and unformed sometimes - but as long as it’s not diarrhea or hard stools, I’m going with it. I’m drinking 2.5 liters a day of water and keeping my fiber intake at exactly or slightly under the recommendation (14g per 1k calories) and the main downside is being very gassy!
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Re: Miralax giving me loose stools

Postby Hazey123 » 22 Jun 2023, 06:37

Interesting! Also I think our bodies go through phases. So if you are still 4x a day you defo don’t need to add miralax to that. You can just resume if things get hard again but maybe they won’t! Good luck and let’s hope it all just stops hurting completely soon
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Re: Miralax giving me loose stools

Postby patience_and_healing » 25 Jun 2023, 08:39

@ruchgupt: Do your BMs float? In which case there is too much fat in them which could indicate a liver or gallbladder issue that needs medical attention.
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Re: Miralax giving me loose stools

Postby ruchgupt » 25 Jun 2023, 09:54

Patience_and_healing - if I have a really high fat day, I do sometimes have floating stool - but not often enough to be a problem! Since stopping the miralax for the past 12 days and really paying attention to fiber intake and diet and water (2.5-3L a day) I’ve had normal to slightly “torn” looking stools that all sink pretty normally. I am reserving the Miralax for occasions when I am constipated though!
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Re: Miralax giving me loose stools

Postby ruchgupt » 27 Jun 2023, 07:59

Well after a bad few days where my stools were large and gassy and somewhat constipated, gave in and took miralax last night and though I had diarrhea at night (think I needed to clear out whatever was left in there) this morning had 2 ok BMs so far. Idk y’all. I’m very disheartened. I don’t know if I’ll ever get this right and then in that case, what use is surgery if I’ll just retear?
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