long suffering newbie

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long suffering newbie

Postby pops » 19 Apr 2009, 14:43

so happy to finally come across a forum to share the pain and agony of chronic a/f.
I have had mine for 10 months since the birth of my son and have tried all sorts of treatment. Nothing so far has worked.
Becoming a teetotal vegetarian and also omitting wheat and cows produce has helped but dinner invitations and nights out no longer so fun.
I am awaiting botox - and wondered how other people had got on with it. Hear that in many cases fissure comes back after botox has worn off.
AF has totally ruined my maternity leave. Currently on holiday in france where they really don't cater for veggies and the idea that you don't eat cheese... well lets not go there.
Has anyone out there tried homeopathy cures...? have they worked.
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Re: long suffering newbie

Postby cherylk » 19 Apr 2009, 16:28

I just wanted to say welcome. Many here got their AF after childbirth, so you are not alone. Image
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Re: long suffering newbie

Postby Fissulyna » 19 Apr 2009, 23:46

I am so sorry that you are suffering for such a long time :( . I never had a Botox but nobody here had a lasting result with it, as far as I know. Also, it has many possible bed side effects (including cases of death) that I never wanted to try it . Have you tried one of the crams like Nito
or Nefidapine ??? They are safer and easier to use and have same results as Botox according to scientific data. I healed couple of times while being on them but always re-teared as soon as I would stop using them. Some members healed completely though, like Tootie and Sorerompie etc.
Since your fissure is there for a long time it probably has scar tissue forming and preventing it from healing. Image I was told not to wait more than a year before having the
LIS , but some members here healed after 2 years finally without the LIS so all is really individual.
Do you take long hot soaks couple of times a day - it is very important since it promotes circulation and faster healing. Also, do you take any extra fiber in a form of supplements ? They can make your poop more playable and softer if combined with a lot of water. You will find a lot of other tips here and I hope they will help !!!!
I wish you fast and forever healing Image
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Re: long suffering newbie

Postby Deleted User 5 » 20 Apr 2009, 05:41

Hi pops. I am not familiar right off with any homeopathic remedies for AF.
Hopefully more boardies with botox experience will log in and give you their take on that experience. It seems to help but after it wears off most seem to return to square one.
Welcome to the board! Image
Deleted User 5

Re: long suffering newbie

Postby Corsi » 20 Apr 2009, 08:39

Sorry your maternity leave has gone down the drain... Image
Fissures are life wrecking, that's for sure. I have had 3 Botox shots and regret having them instead of LIS. I have retore several times so botox wasn't a good solution for me, but as Fissy says - everryone is different.
Good luck!
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Re: long suffering newbie

Postby pinky » 20 Apr 2009, 14:55

Image Even i got my AF after childbirth.Its the worst time to get an AF.I did have 1 shot of botox which didnt help me.You havent mentioned if youve tried any ointments?Do you use any stool softeners?Are your BMS soft?
I havent tried homeopathy.No harm in trying botox before LIS.everyone heals differently and hope botox works for you
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Re: long suffering newbie

Postby Guest » 20 Apr 2009, 18:27

Welcome to the board. Those babies sure do a number on the pelvic area. It really should be addressed in these so called what to expect when you are expecting books. So much is gone into preparing but not much out there about the aftermath.
I am sorry you are having a rough time. Botox has been helpful for some but I would say on this board most have had to go on to LIS but we are a small sample here. Burnbutgirl and Sherry have done well with botox. You might want to look up their threads.

Re: long suffering newbie

Postby Guest » 21 Apr 2009, 06:29

Welcome Pops !!
I am sorry to hear how your fissure came about.. Image
I had one shot of botox and found great relief for a good 12 weeks but when the effects wore off I felt that tightness return, i didn’t have pain at that stage but in my gut I knew it would only be a matter of time before that vicious circle started all over again ! I was offered a second shot but decided I needed a more permanent fix !
I wish you well, Pops !

Re: long suffering newbie

Postby pops » 21 Apr 2009, 14:24

Dear all,
Thanks so much for all the replies. It actually moved me to tears to just know there are people out there who not only know what i am going through - but also bothered to send emails of support.
Thanks sooo much!
I have already tried a whole host of creams prescribed by doctors that have not worked including rectogesic GNT, (which gave me really bad headaches) liquadine (not sure of spelling) and other things. I do try and do baths but looking after the baby all day so not really very easy to go and pop into bath and husband gets back from work really late.
I was taking lactulose ( stool softner) for 8 months but it led to me have a very distended stomach after the sugar in it started to ferment inside.) Also tried fibergel (stool bulker) which was really awful - and made me have the biggest poos ever - really painful to eject - if you know what i mean!
I already know that BOTOX may not be a permanent solution- (have become obessed with internet research on AF!) But am thinking that even if it offers a few weeks of respite that would be better than nothing. Also in UK i can only go on to get LIS if i have first tried botox.
Stopping eating wheat in particular (as well as becoming veggie, not drinking and not eating diary) has really made a difference- but AF still there. And i am really getting sick of the restricted diet.
Sorry this has become another long download response. On a more positive note- just so bloody great to get a response to my post.
Am going to try acupuncture from specialist in london to see if that does anything. But not holding my breath!!
best wishes and appreciation
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Re: long suffering newbie

Postby juney » 21 Apr 2009, 14:33

i think after 10 months you need to try something besides conservative measures - definitely go for the botox. it sounds like you've got things under control diet-wise and that's great. it's the first step at least. sorry to say but these things can stick around for a long time. changing your habits to accomodate the fissure and hopefully improve it is the best thing to do.
it's interesting to me that stool softeners would cause a distended stomach. i took 2 a day for 2 years. i've taken so many supplements that i always feel bloated so who knows. who told you that fact?
i've been doing acupuncture the past month or so. i always feel very relaxed during and after my one-hour sessions. not sure if it's helping the fissure, but it helps me mentally at least. i'm sure you'll enjoy it!
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