Size of Fissure

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Size of Fissure

Postby lars » 02 Apr 2010, 14:52

Just wanted to start a new post about how long and wide your fissures are?
I am still waiting for an exam to see how big the returning beast is this time.
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Re: Size of Fissure

Postby Fissulyna » 02 Apr 2010, 16:23

Mine were always small- medium - at least that is what I was
told. I think that first was like 10-15 mm long. The second one I saw on the photo and I would say it was 8-10 mm long.
Best of luck on your next exam Image
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Re: Size of Fissure

Postby StevePain » 08 Apr 2010, 15:43

I have no idea how big my fissure is, judging by the pain i'd say it's as big as the grand canyon but most likely it's a tiny little thing LMAO
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Re: Size of Fissure

Postby cherylk » 08 Apr 2010, 16:33

I think no matter how big or small, an AF can hurt like #$#$340983 (bad word).
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