Hi! I've got some questions....

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Hi! I've got some questions....

Postby Bumbutt » 12 Dec 2010, 07:47

Hello -
Add me to the group of fellow sufferers. I'm really glad I found this forum, and I've got a bunch of questions that I hope someone will have some time to answer. I've done some reading, but there are still some things I wonder about.
I've been in pain now for about 6 weeks. It's gradually been getting worse. Now the pain lasts more or less all day, and I feel I can't really go to work and bear this pain. Luckily, I have a job where I can work from home quite a bit.
Ok, history of my AF. Started having problems 6 weeks ago, thought it was mainly hemorrhoids, and was using cream and suppositories with lidocaine and hyrdocortisone. The pain just started getting worse about 4 weeks ago, which sent me to the doctors. I haven't had any bleeding the whole time either. She said I had hemorrhoids and a small fissure, and was puzzled as to why I had so much pain. She prescribed suppositories with prednisone and lidocaine. I had a feeling it was just making things worse, so after 8 days, stopped taking them.
Anyway, I find it difficult to walk now. Do 1-2 BMs a day, and have pain mainly for 4 hours afterwards, or else for most of the day. It is hard to pass any gas too. I'm doing the sitzbaths. Sitting on a heating pad most of the day. Trying to walk at least 30 minutes a day. Taking probiotics, ibuprofen, and a fiber powder (some strange thing that turns to gel and says it increases the volume and softness of the stools). Cutting out white bread, white rice, and drinking at least 2liters water per day, plus eating fruit (kiwi, apples) and All-bran and yogurt.
I can mention that I had what another GP said was a big fissure 4 years ago, but didn't have this pain at all and everything healed in one week.
-I've read that some people have cut out chocolate and sugar? Why are those bad?
-Also, I just got some Movicol (thanks for the European translation of that medicine) - here (I'm in Scandinavia) it is called Moxalole. I wonder if taking this together with the fiber powder I've got is a good idea?
-How "soft" is soft (referring to stools)? I know this is an explicit question, but, well, I wonder... The nurse I talked to first said that it should be about like the consistency of cooked oatmeal - is that about what everyone means when they talk about "soft"?
- How much do you others walk? And can walking re-tear? It sure feels like it...
I was referred by the GP to a surgeon (since I've had the pain for a longer time), and will meet them sometime "soon". I appreciate the information I've read here about LIS and the need to have a colo-rectal surgeon.
I really appreciate the fact that there is a forum to get this invaluable information! Image
Thank you!
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Re: Hi! I've got some questions....

Postby New mum » 12 Dec 2010, 20:56

Hi bumbutt, sorry you have had this going on!
I take fibre twice a day just make sure you mix enough water with it or it may go jelly like as u said. as for taking a stood softer with it a lot of people do that. you want your stools soft and formed but not runny coz that will burn.
Yes you need to go to a colorectal surgeon!
For thing to eat and not to eat there is a lot about that on this forum have a read. you also know what you body can handle eg i cant eat red meat but i can have a few peices of chocolate a day.
for walking...... there was no way i could do 30mins of walking a day when my fissure was bad.
I hope this has helped a bit and i am sure others will add to it
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Re: Hi! I've got some questions....

Postby Cagirl » 13 Dec 2010, 10:26

Hello Bumbutt, sorry to hear this is happening to you too. You and I have the SAME exact story (except that I am a stay at home mom), same medications, same everything, but this is my first AF that I know of.
I got a 2nd opinion and went ahead with LIS 10 days ago. My first CRS said to take fiber and bulk up my stool which I think made things worse. That particular CRS said it should be like a banana with a tapered end too. My current CRS that did my LIS, says very soft, whatever that means. I do see him today though for a follow up.
Some people think sugar is constipating. For me, it's the opposite. Chocolate maybe due to the calcium which is constipating for some. Meat is hard to digest and is constipating. I have avoided meat and all sugar, just because I'm paranoid and have stuck to just fruits, veggies, some soy products, no dairy (but I'm lactose intolerant anyway and can't eat eggs either) and whole grains to increase my fiber intake, just to help along the Miralax I'm on and hoping to get off of.
No way I could walk either during my AF. I could barely get up to the bathroom. Most of the time I way lying on the couch pulling my hair out, crying and popping more pain medication. I'm 10 days post op and just creeping around. I'm starting to get up and around though.
All the best.
edited to say calcium can be constipating.
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Re: Hi! I've got some questions....

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 14 Dec 2010, 00:17

Some folks find chocolate and refined sugars to be constipating. I never had that problem and could eat chocolates just fine while I had my fissure though. It all depends on your individual body and tolerances.
Movicol can be taken with fiber adders. A lot of people do it. Some find that it adds too much fiber, others find that it makes stools too soft, and for others it's just fine. I would try it and see. We all end up deciding on a regimen that works best for ourselves, and no two are alike :)
As for stools, my CRS tells me that the "perfect stool" is the "monkey tail" LOL. That is, it's soft, yet formed and comes out in a nice big piece. It may be a bit too much information, but with the right experimentation, I'm now able to almost consistently produce a monkey tail every day hahahaha. Cooked oatmeal sounds a bit too soft and watery to me, but I don't eat oatmeal much (and maybe I never will again now Image), so I can't be certain. I would say to aim for something that looks like a monkey tail but with the consistency of soft-serve frozen yogurt. Hey, and you thought you were explicit :D
I don't walk much because I'm a lazy bum (this is true independent of any butt problems), but I did find that it would aggravate my fissure. Maybe not so much walking but running definitely made the area hurt. I don't know if it can actually re-tear a fissure, but I suppose it can. Either way I don't think it would feel good in most cases.
When my fissure was real bad, I eliminated all meats except chicken and fish from my diet and ate lots of boiled vegetables. Took Miralax and drank a ton of water too of course. I never used any fiber supplements because I got more than enough fiber from all the vegetables I was eating. Created quite a lot of gas (good thing I'm married already!) but definitely worked well for the fissure.
There is no fissure too small to cause massive pain, so the fact that your doc was puzzled is a bit humorous :) Have you looked into any of the fissure ointments like nitroglycerin, nifedipine, and diltiazem? They're considered a lot more fissure-appropriate than hydrocortisone or prednisone. I think in some parts of Europe, pre-compounded nitroglycerin is sold over the counter from the chemist as Rectogesic, but I'm not sure about Scandinavia.
By the way what park of Scandinavia are you from? I used to work for a Norwegian company and was based in Oslo (Grunerlokka area) for a little bit. Also made it out to the surrounding countries for a couple short trips and it's a beautiful part of the world. Well, okay, truth be told the winter was a bit rough on my thin and weak sun baked skin, but it was beautiful nonetheless :)
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Re: Hi! I've got some questions....

Postby Bumbutt » 14 Dec 2010, 04:05

Thanks so much for your replies! I really appreciate the candor - I have never shared such intimate details with people I never met before (and not even with people that I've known my whole life)! But, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
I think chocolate is ok for me. Whew. I'd hate to give that up too.
This morning I am writing from my throne of the heating pad, after experiencing ongoing spasms for the first time. Owweee - it's almost like a new type of pain. It's so frustrating that one day it feels "ok" (pain only last a couple hours), and the next day, I'm decked with all day pain. Interesting what you said NG, that size doesn't matter - no fissure is too small to cause pain. I think this doctor didn't understand fissures. She had no suggestions for diet. You have to learn everything on your own, from forums like this.
How long were you all dealing with the pain before you got LIS? I feel like I can't have a normal life, and I just got a letter yesterday saying that it may be 3 months before the surgeon can see me. I am going to call and try to get my case bumped up - not sure I can wait 3 months.
One other question - if you have constant pain, does that mean you aren't healing at all? How does it feel when you "heal"?
NG - I'm in Sweden - but Norway is beautiful. Oslo is ok, but I think the real beauty is out in the mountains and fjords. Great that you could spend some time there. Sweden is more understated beauty compared to Norway. And winter is rough! I usually ski...
Cagirl - interesting that you have the same story. I hope that your recovery after LIS will go well and that soon you will be past the creeping stage.
Newmum - thanks for your answer! It helps so much.
I thank you all from the "bottom" of my heart.
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Re: Hi! I've got some questions....

Postby Cagirl » 14 Dec 2010, 17:11

Bumbutt - I had my fissure for around 8 weeks before I opted for LIS. I just couldn't stand being in such excruiating pain and I had no life.
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Re: Hi! I've got some questions....

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 14 Dec 2010, 19:44

BumButt, I made it out to Stockholm for a little side trip of my own and also visited Gothenburg with a Swedish friend of mine who was from there (we took the bus from Norway). All of it was breathtaking compared to where I live :)
Anyhow, I had my fissure for a year before getting LIS. But I managed to get it somewhat under control (at least tolerable) a couple of months in. The only reason I waited so long for surgery was because I wanted to try every non-surgical method first. Well, that I did, and none of it worked, so I ended up taking the plunge on almost a year to the day of when my fissure first reared its ugly head!
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Re: Hi! I've got some questions....

Postby Bumbutt » 16 Dec 2010, 05:24

Just an update from me. I called my doctor and she bumped up my visit to the surgeon so I don't have to wait for 3 months, and gave me a prescription for Rectogesic. The rectogesic gives me a headache and a weird taste in my mouth, but it also seems to work to take away some pain, so I think it's great.
NG - Great that you made it to Gothenburg and Stockholm - they are both lovely cities. Will you get back this way for your job?
Another (unserious) question - If I use rectogesic and then sit on a heating pad, will I blow up?
- Bumbutt
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Re: Hi! I've got some questions....

Postby StevePain » 16 Dec 2010, 06:45

Another (unserious) question - If I use rectogesic and then sit on a heating pad, will I blow up?

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Re: Hi! I've got some questions....

Postby Bumbutt » 16 Dec 2010, 07:43

Ow - don't make me laugh! :D
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