Haven't been here in a while. Was missing the forum and everyone here so thought I'd drop by again.
I was at a Camp again a week or so again volunteering and I had really awesome BMs the whole week (too much info?). It's funny because I didn't use Miralax that much - probably just once or twice out of the whole week. I think what REALLY helped me though was having regular, structured meals. For example, our first meal would be at 7 am and would generally be fruit or something healthy. Then we'd have lunch, then dinner, and a snack in between if I had time. I think this routine was really different from my routine at home (eat whatever whenever, breakfast usually being at 12pm).
This balanced type of routine really helped me have regular BMs that were soft almost all of the time. I wasn't even having that much water but we would have a bit of salad or fruit with almost every meal which also helped a lot.
Just wanted to share this as it's something that helped me. Regarding my fissure, I'm really thinking of NOT getting surgery anymore. I haven't been bathing or using my medicine (I wanted to admit it, hopefully someone will yell at me and make me realize I shouldn't be slacking off so much), but I haven't seen any blood and most of my BMs are much better than they were before. I don't have that much hope for quick healing because I'm just so busy all the time, but I really really am hoping this will just go away... It's been so long now.
Anyways, hope you're all doing well . Sending you some love,