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Postby chprgrl1 » 19 Dec 2011, 05:00

I'm new to this and so glad to find others that have this problem!
On aug.23 I had abdominal surgery to remove a section of colon that was full of Diverticulitis.
Then, at the end of Sept....all Hell broke loose in my Butt! I have to have the surgery on Jan. 9, and am very apprehensive about it!
How bad can it be though compared to the pain that I had been having!
I'm worried about incontinence after, and of course that first BM....should I stop eating and just do clear liquids? I never thought I'd be talking about this but it is so incredibly painful and I feel so embarrassed. I thought it was healing for 2 weeks, no pain or blood then one night what I thought was just a small tear,little blood. The next day was my final visit with the surgeon...he said "..a small tear.. I don't think so.."
Anyway, thank you all for this great place of comfort, Sandy
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Re: Hello!

Postby Sue1962 » 19 Dec 2011, 06:14

Hi Sandy, Welcome to the fourm. So sorry you are going through this, but you are in the right place. I totally understand how you feel. We all have experienced this miserable condition. I too am having surgery 1/9/12 and am scared to death also, but tired of being in pain. I have tried to heal this for 3 years and ready to be pain free. I would not stop eating, just eat your high fiber foods, lots of water and try Miralax if you are not using it. It is a miracle. I had a great week last week, but yesterday had spasms most of the day, fissures can be sneaky like that. You think all is well and them bam...pain again. Please don't feel embarrased about anything...we have all been or are going what you are feeling...and just think in about 3 weeks you will be on the other side of this. That's how I am looking at it. Feel better soon
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