just a thought...

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Re: just a thought...

Postby val » 26 Oct 2007, 10:52

Thanks, I hope you're right! It is slowly getting a bit better week by week, but its a very slow process and horrible when setbacks happen .If it wasn't for everyone elses comments on setbacks I would be worried about them, but I realize that its part of the healing process.
I know what you mean about being embarrassed about it, it would be so much easier to explain a sore throat or a broken leg to people, and I absolutely dread it if someone asks whats wrong!
I will read your story!
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Re: just a thought...

Postby buttgirl » 26 Oct 2007, 11:11

It is a slow, painful process, but I've notied that as the pain decreases, I am less embarrassed. There's oemthing about fearing people will laugh at you and make fun of your pain when you are really not in the mood and fail to see how a crack in the crack, so to speak, can be humorous. As I started to feel better, I found that just telling people the honest truth was easy, mainly because they didn't believe me. I think most people feel more comfotable hearing I have intestinal problems than that I blew up my butt.

"Are you OK, Chris?"
I don't feel too well
"Poor thing! What's wrong?"
Oh nothing, just an old problem
"Really, is there anything I can do"
no. i'll be fine in a little while
"are you sure?"
"really what's wrong?"
I blew up my a$$
"ok, you don't have to say. just let me know if there's something I can do"
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Re: just a thought...

Postby val » 28 Oct 2007, 12:03

Image that's funny!! I think if anyone could experience the pain for themselves, the "pain in the arse " joke wouldn't be so funny. I suppose its hard, though, for anyone to imagine that a little cut could cause so much misery for so long. And then, being ok one minute and in major pain the next minute is confusing for people as well, I would imagine. Image Image
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Re: just a thought...

Postby val » 28 Oct 2007, 12:04

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