Anal fissure never goes away

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Anal fissure never goes away

Postby shazbaz12 » 30 Apr 2012, 05:19

Hey guys, glad to find a forum with ppl going through the same thing...
I cant even rem the time were i never bleeded, prob been 2-3 years with this problem and never knew what it was until a doctor spotted it.. others just poked around without checking..
Since then ive been on high fibre diets... he also prescribed a cream which caused even worse pain, Schropretz or something.. I continued to drink Pysillum husk every morning since then.. drink much more water, it seemed to dissapear for a couple of months until it returned this yr when i changed unis, and have to travel 3 hrs all together.. the train rides are usually painful when coming home :( i then decided to give up fizzy drinks, particularly coke. occasionally have coffee but been limiting it.. i then applied aloe vera for 2 weeks and seemed to help, drink mainly water now and also had a apple a day with oats for breakfast.. i approved in the break from uni until this week when i bled a bit once again after holding it at uni :((
I just dont know what to do anymore, everything i try just seems to be temporary.
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Re: Anal fissure never goes away

Postby frankel » 30 Apr 2012, 07:41

get the doc to prescribed something like movicol to dissolve in water and drink each day, you can take it long term and really turs your stools to mush, this will help the healing...hopefully.
good luck.
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Re: Anal fissure never goes away

Postby workingonit » 30 Apr 2012, 14:52

Is your doctor a CRS (colorectal surgeon)? If not, you might want to get a referal to one to get a different prescription cream to help. They will offer different options. The trouble is that the fissure is chronic and even when it heals the skin there is going to be fragile for months to a year or even two. So it's a long haul to get it safely and fully healed again. Movical/ miralax is a good stool softener lots of people here use.
It's hard to know what to do if you feel a BM coming and you are nowhere close to home. This is Susun Weed's suggestion for making yourself go regularely in the morning;
"My mother's favorite way of preventing digestive distress and ensuring regularity is to eat at regular times and go to the toilet at regular times. You'd be surprised how effective this is.
o First thing in the morning, get yourself a cup of hot water (or herbal tea) and bring it back to bed. Sip it slowly, and gnaw gently on your bottom lip. Then lie on your back and bring your knees up, feet flat on the bed; place your palms on your belly and breathe deeply. Gently begin to rub your belly (in spirals): up on the right, across the middle, and down on the left. Soon you will feel the movement gathering momentum. Sit up slowly and head for the toilet."
I can testify that drinking a big glass of warm/room temp water when you first get up, really helps move things along.
Are you doing the aloe vera again? Lots of people here have found it helpful. As well as other things like virgin coconut oil, lanolin, and manuka honey. But really, regular soft stools it the key.
Please search around the site. Lots of helpful ideas here.
hope this helps,
and welcome to the forum!
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Re: Anal fissure never goes away

Postby shazbaz12 » 30 Apr 2012, 19:38

@workingonit thank you, yeh he was CRS i went to 2 specialists for it since wasnt happy with the first one who scared me about the colonoscopy which might do more damage, but the 2nd one found the fissures.. my dad made me paw paw cream for it to now, and have been looking around on this great site.
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Re: Anal fissure never goes away

Postby workingonit » 30 Apr 2012, 20:54

you're most welcome.
Haven't heard of paw paw ointment before.
Please let us know if it helps!
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