Starting Your Day with an AF....

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Starting Your Day with an AF....

Postby Ever the Optimist » 17 Jun 2012, 14:37

When I wake up in the morning and if I've had a particularly good night's sleep, I lie in bed and actually feel great because I don't normally feel any sign of the fissure and hope for one moment, that this might be "IT" - the day I get up and it's all over and I am back to normal again... Then I head to the bathroom for the first BM....and then because I get a twinge of pain whilst going, know disappointingly, that "No" it's still there and sure enough, after the progression of some time, can feel the discomfort and familiar twinging and aching and itching that continues on & off then for the rest of the day.....
...On a bad day, one which I generally wake up, feeling like I just haven't slept...It all seems to be so much worse and painful and whilst I sip my chamomile tea, actually start laughing about it all (sleep depravation I think!), because it seems ridiculous & neverending. I've even named the fissure "Fizz", my fistula, pilonidol sinus - whatever is, "Pilo" and my ocassional external hemmie, "Percy"!!...It kind of adds a touch of humour to it all....
Funnily on the days I wake up feeling worse, they tend to go/ end not so badly and on the good days, I'm normally back to the normal pain at the end of the day and feel even more disillusioned!!
How does everyone start their days??
How do you all feel when you wake up...With hope? Dread? ....or do you accept it and try not to think about it first thing???
Just curious!!! and thought it would be interesting to share....
Healing hugs to all x x
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: Starting Your Day with an AF....

Postby whatwhat » 17 Jun 2012, 15:42

Aww hun
I dont think about it at first but I know the feeling of "oh yes it is going, it's getting better!" and then BM comes and reality pokes you in the ass and you feel back to square one. It is frustrating and as I know you have dealt with yours for longer and had to endure considerably more than I have I can imagine that it must be hard for you to keep your patience - but I just hope that eventually it will go and be one of those things I don't think about any more.
That said - I do think that some of the changes I am trying to make because of mine, although may feel futile, are only going to do good for the rest of my overall health anyway, so maybe that is our silver lining to this big old cloud.
I hope tomorrow starts and ends beautifully and positivly for you Optimist...oh and for Fizz Pilo and Percy of course.
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Re: Starting Your Day with an AF....

Postby butthurt » 18 Jun 2012, 00:45

Sounds familiar! I felt like I was on top of the world this morning. The past 2 days I had minimal pain, work was fine with very little discomfort from sitting, had one bm a day that was the perfect consistency. Then today, for some cruel reason (I have IBS and diet has never dictated my bms), I had 3 bms! and the last one was diarrhea :( I have been in pain the whole day! So now I don't know what to think!
I guess we just have to keep to our regimen and not let setbacks get us down. I can't help but start my day optimistically. I feel like it is important to have the right frame of mind or it will inhibit healing.
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