3 weeks after surgery

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3 weeks after surgery

Postby Peterp1 » 22 Jun 2012, 19:18

Thanks goodness I found this suport group.
I'm now 3 week after my LIS, but unfortunately a few days after surgery developed and infection which has been treated with antibiotics. Up until the infection set in I was virtually pain free, but once I started the antibiotics things deteriorated to a point where I'm feeling worse than before surgery.
I've not experienced bleeding with my fissure or surgery until this morning after a bm and the stinging and burning is back with vengence. I'm feeling very depressed and anxious and dreading any further bm's.
Has anyone else suffered infections after the LIS?? How long did it take to heal after the infection.
I feel that I need to get my life back on track again instead of living in fear of eating the wrong thing and making things worse. Once positive I guess is that i've lost a few kg in weight...but what a way to lose it..lol.
Look forward to hearing any advice you can offer.
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Re: 3 weeks after surgery

Postby skeeter » 25 Jun 2012, 13:28

Be very carefull with antibiotics. I had the same problem with ifection and ended up with C-diff. Google that and eat lot`s of yogurt
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Re: 3 weeks after surgery

Postby Peterp1 » 25 Jun 2012, 13:56

Thanks for the tip Skeeter, I googled c-dff, and it explains why my surgeon prescribed Flagyl as well as another antibiotic. I got on to yogurt and Yokult as soon as I started taking the antibiotics as I always have problems with them. I've been trying manuka honey too as it is supposed to have healing properties, it may be too early to tell but I don't seem to be in quite so much discomfort since using it, and as least it doesn't have nasty side effects other than being soooo sticky...lol. Thanks again
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