ladies question

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ladies question

Postby Guest » 10 Jan 2007, 21:07

sry to exclude the guys here but do any of you find all your bowel issues are worse on that time of month?

Re: ladies question

Postby Cheryl » 10 Jan 2007, 22:12

Cheryl wrote:Regarding the hormones and periods, I can relate with you there, however, mine is a little different - being a sufferer of over 6 years, I had this pattern pretty well figured out. Each time I got my period, I would get my usual cramps, but these also gave me diarreah - which led to constant sphincter spasms - and horrific pain.. Unfortunately I never learnt to manage this part of the problem with my AF.

Just dug up this old post regarding that time of the month!
Now that I have had the surgery, and am mostly healed, there are no more awful spasms, but i still get a little queezy tummy and sometimes diarreah Image Least the AF is gone now and this causes no trouble for me.
I believe it is stress related. At that time of the month, C'mon admit it, we are all stressed or anxious.. those of us with sensitive stomachs and bowels can suffer easily.. sometimes we have to use the 'Mind over Matter' theory Image
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Re: ladies question

Postby Guest » 12 Jan 2007, 06:00

OH YEAH my guts turns to garbage when I get my period. I dont know if its the pain in the tummy or just the nerves - whatever it is it sucks.
But like you Cheryl, now ive had my op its certainly not as bad! I still get runny pellet poops but i can pass it without pain Image so i dont care anymore!!!
Annie Image

Re: ladies question

Postby Guest » 13 Jan 2007, 10:34

thanks guys at least now i know im not unusual for feeling that way!!!! I think stress can play a part but i think if it was that big a part id be on the loo constantly all day as i get stressed
thanks for the replies.

Re: ladies question

Postby Guest » 24 Jan 2007, 12:53

I am a new member that posted first on the introductions board but wanted to add a post here too.
I get really bad rectal spasms along with uterine contractions during my period. It is very painful and feels like someone is jabbing a stick up my bottom and I seriously makes me get on my tiptoes trying to escape it.
It is so bad I have thought about getting on Seasonale the BCPs that you only get 4 periods a year on.
I wanted to ask if anyone here ever had problems with anemia due to bleeding from the fissure as well as blood loss during periods too. Don't know if I should be concerned or not.

Re: ladies question

Postby Cheryl » 25 Jan 2007, 19:38

Lecia wrote:Hi,
I get really bad rectal spasms along with uterine contractions during my period. It is very painful and feels like someone is jabbing a stick up my bottom and I seriously makes me get on my tiptoes trying to escape it.
It is so bad I have thought about getting on Seasonale the BCPs that you only get 4 periods a year on.
I wanted to ask if anyone here ever had problems with anemia due to bleeding from the fissure as well as blood loss during periods too. Don't know if I should be concerned or not.

Hey Lecia
I can sympathise with you re the spasms at that time of month - i suffered badly from that too. I used to even just continue taking my pill and skip the periods (until my dr told me to stop as it was bad for me)
I havent had any anemia problems, perhaps you should discuss that one with your doc??
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Re: ladies question

Postby Guest » 26 Jan 2007, 09:25

I am seeing my regular doctor on Tuesday and will have her do a finger stick and check. The only thing is I know iron is constipating so I don't know if I could tolerate it right now anyway.
I am eating a lot of spinach though!
I am always relieved when my period ends and then about 10 days before I start to feel anxious again. I used to get them only every 40-45 days but Nooo....not now! It is like 26-28 days.

Re: ladies question

Postby Guest » 12 Feb 2007, 12:57

Well, it's that time of the month again and I think the diliatzem cream has helped! I notice that I am having such painful spasms this time. I wonder if that would be an option just to use during that time even when I don't need to use it every day?

Re: ladies question

Postby Guest » 16 Feb 2007, 21:34

hey! ive never heard of that cream? im also on at the mo and have been having LOTS of problems this time around. my periods are so heavy its horrible and the first day of it this time round i was really not good, faint and dizzy and shaking. yuk! i have anemia, well i have it on and off. im borderline pretty much all the time and sumtimes having my period pushes me over the edge and other times it doesnt. if u think u mite be u can get the dr to do a blood test. u want ur haemoglobin level to be over 12 really to be ok.

Re: ladies question

Postby Guest » 15 Mar 2007, 16:55

Hows it going ladies? I had a rough week with Aunt Flo and am glad she is on her way out the door. I had terrible spasms-worse than last month. I really was hoping that this cream would help relax the sphincter like it seemed to last month but it didn't work this time. I even ended up taking a left over valium my husband had to see if I could get it to relax but it didn't seem to make much of a difference.
I tore open the fissure a bit too and started bleeding again with the associated bowel changes so I am recuperating from that.
How is everyone else doing?
Lecia :rabbit:

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