Somebody help me Plzzz : ( :/

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Somebody help me Plzzz : ( :/

Postby Sadboy » 03 Aug 2012, 08:31

Hi Guys , I'm Luise 19 yr old.I've been suffering from this anal fissure 3 years , I've tried everything , But nothing seems to work :(it always comes back and gets worse every time !
I've lost all purpose to my life , I don'ґt know what to do anymore ! i sit in my room crying on the flower from this severe pain and embarrassment ..
It all started after I had a little hard stool , ( 3 years ago ) i noticed fresh blood on the toilet paper , and I freaked out immediately , Bc at that time I was like 15, or 16 .. I though i was going to die or something . So next day we went to the hospital and the doctor said I had small size polyp , ( she said it was nothing to worry about ) and then she scheduled the surgery ... It wasn't painful bc i was asleep during the whole procedure , ( 15 , 20 minutes ) s after that Everyone was happy , my mom and friends .. the doctor removed the polyp ! :) but Unfortunately that happiness didn't last too long, When I got home and i had first Bm after surgery , I was litarelly screaming in pian , It was the worst pain I've ever experienced in my entire life ! I wanted to kill that doctor for what she had done to me ..:( few weeks passed and I got better , no blood and no pain . but the skin around my anus didnt look the same , as it was before ...( srry i knw its kinda gross ) 2 mnths later i was bleeding, pain came back and it all started again, and since then I am suffering from anal fissure, which i got after my polyp surgery .. If i had not gone to the hospital I wouldnt be posting this today :( that little blood would stop and nothing worst would have happened than this :( but it's too late now :( please somebody help me .. I can't take this anymore :( I am afraid of going back there , I hate doctors since my tragic surgery , , is there any other way of gettif rid of this fissure ? what's laser surgery or LIS ? anyone ? please help !! : (
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Re: Somebody help me Plzzz : ( :/

Postby Strangeworldaf » 03 Aug 2012, 13:36

Sorry to hear you are going through a tough time. Why don't you go and meet a colon rectal surgeon in your area. If its fissure then it's very common and it's a very treatable condition and success rate is almost 100%. There are many options you could try ...change your diet, stop drinking, doctor might give you ointments which can relax your muscles and improve healing or an injection which can help you heal faster and if nothing works out a small surgery LIS.
Hope you feel better and don't stress out you will be fine.
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Re: Somebody help me Plzzz : ( :/

Postby butthurt » 03 Aug 2012, 22:30

I am sorry you are going through so much with this. What helped me a lot was reading all the stories on here and elsewhere on the internet, of how other people were able to heal their fissure and how they were able to cope. I found a lot of things that helped me tailor a treatment plan that I think is overall going to lead me to healing, even though I have had a couple of setbacks I am staying positive that I will find a way to recover. I wish you all the best!
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Re: Somebody help me Plzzz : ( :/

Postby Sadboy » 04 Aug 2012, 19:07

Thank You guys soo much for replying to my post ...:/ Today I bought some coconut oil , Vitamin E oil , Vitamin C , and Manuka Honey ... I read here those things can help a lot right ? but that god damn cut is inside, How can I apply manuka honey there ? :( :/
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Re: Somebody help me Plzzz : ( :/

Postby Strangeworldaf » 04 Aug 2012, 20:20

Apart from self treating I suggest you consult a good CRS or gastro as they might give you some creams/gels/ointments.
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