Pregnant and Desperate for Relief - Please Help!

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Pregnant and Desperate for Relief - Please Help!

Postby Searchingforhealing » 02 Dec 2018, 09:55

Hi everyone,

I’m in desperate need of some advice/comfort/something. Reading posts in the group has been helpful but I am still in a lot of pain and right now afraid I’ll never get better.

Here’s some background...sorry if it’s long.

I started feeling rectal pain about two months ago in early October. As I was about 12 weeks into my first pregnancy, I didn’t know what it could be and assumed it might just be tailbone pain from the baby. At my next appointment with my ob, the pain had been increasing and I asked what she thought. She diagnosed it as a hemeroid and gave me a suppository foam to use.

In the mean time, before I even got that prescription filled, the pain to stand and walk had gotten so bad I had to miss work. I was still hoping the foam would help but it didn’t.

Starting that week and for the next two weeks, I was in so much pain that every time I stood to get out of bed (which I was basically only doing to take baths) I cried and I couldn’t even sit on the toilet to pee because the pain was so bad - I literally had to lay in a bath of warm water to pee. I felt so gross and desperate.

I was referred to a GI doctor who prescribed a compound cream with lidocaine and some other chemicals. After two weeks, I was able to return to work but still in an immense amount of pain. I really would still be out of work if I had the choice but I need to save up my sick days for maternity leave.

So now, two months since the pain started, I am still in pain all the time. All I can take for it since I’m pregnant is Tylenol, which doesn’t do much, and I am so tired of crying every day from being in pain. And laxitive-wise, I can only take colace stool softener.

I finally broke down and scheduled a consult with a surgeon next week, but I am terrified.

Please any advice, words of consolation, similar experiences or anything you think could help I would love to hear. I am very scared of the pain that comes with surgery, but still don’t even know what will happen with the surgeon since I am pregnant, and now I am terrified at the thought of delivering a baby and making this already horrible pain worse. I can’t live like this!!! Please someone give me some hope

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Re: Pregnant and Desperate for Relief - Please Help!

Postby sean530 » 02 Dec 2018, 11:36

hi, searching I'm so sorry for the pain you're having. I understand the desperation and the feeling of hopelessness. It's so good that you scheduled a visit with a surgeon. I'm afraid I got no idea as to what might be wrong and why you might be having this pain. Going to a surgeon doesn't always mean surgery so please don't worry. The pain of a fissure starts with a bowel movement and stays for a while. It may be the reason if your pain is aggravated by a bm but in any case, let's wait till the surgeon's visit, till then best of luck. Tc
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Re: Pregnant and Desperate for Relief - Please Help!

Postby hurtinend » 02 Dec 2018, 19:00

very often, fissures are mistaken for hemmorhoids. Best to be examined by an experienced butt doctor.

Is the surgeon a colorectal doctor? What you need is a doctor to go up there with a small scope that can visualize the rectum.

Since you are pregnant you must check with the Doctor....but for me cold packs provide relief to anal pain. Buy gel packs from the pharmacy, the ones you freeze, wrap in a light towel and sit on it for 30 minutes at a time. It helps a lot, not a cure but it helps.

Good luck.
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