Hi all,
I need help and at my wits end. This pain is unbearable! I'm 5.5 mos pregnant and a month ago was diagnosed with an anal fissure. Holy moley! The pain is intense - it gets better and then wamo, I can't sit for 6 hours.
I've been plant based for 8 mos and I have 1-3 stools a day all loose or extremely soft. I have had 2 kids without a problem and feel that the pressure to defecate has caused this.
The dr performed an anoscope and I about died. That was beyond horrible and I will not return to do that again. I've been given a Dilitazem compounded cream to use with a question as to it being ok for the baby. After much research I use a small amount 2 - 3 times a day. Also tucks, moist wipes, sitz and lidocaine - but that seems completely ineffective. Loose stools are the worst to pass in my case. I don't really know why, perhaps they are more acidic..?
Any ideas or help is much appreciated. The drs seem uneducated especially with being pregnant and almost everything can't be done while pregnant. Let alone the thought of pushing out a babe is unbearable.
Thanks for reading,