
Diagnosed fissure but only pressure

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Postby Lewarctj » 21 May 2017, 13:27

Ok...first post here. I have been dealing with chronic fissures for a few years now. I was told 2x that I needed LIS but opted to hold off which now I wish I didn't.

3 weeks ago, I started having strong pressure in my rectum, like a bowling ball sitting there. It doesn't get relieved by BM and always feels like Inhave to go use the restroom. I went back to the DR and they scheduled LIS for 6/7th. I'm worried something else is wrong since this flare up I actually do not have the pain during a BM, it's this constant presssure that is destroying my life. The doctor did say they will scope and look around to make sure everything else looks good when I'm under

Has anyone had this pressure feeling without the typical fissure pain during defecation? I'm so worried I'm going to get the LIS and still have this horrible pressure feeling

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Re: Pressure?!?!

Postby GilmoreGirl » 21 May 2017, 19:49

I had a similar feeling when I first got my fissure and when the anal sphincter spasms were very bad. The LIS did help me, I haven't had that feeling since.

If you're feeling unsure, I would go see a pelvic floor physiotherapist. They can assess the musculature around the area as well as the supplying nerves to see if anything else is going on (like levator ani, etc). When I went to physio, it was clear that the spasms from the fissure were the source of tension, and the muscles act in a sort of chain reaction - they pull on the other muscles around them to create more tension. Tension in the levator ani muscle generally causes the golf ball feeling you describe.

I hope that helps a little...sorry I couldn't be of more help!

Sending you healing thoughts,

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Re: Pressure?!?!

Postby dmcff » 22 May 2017, 07:54

Lewarctj wrote:Has anyone had this pressure feeling without the typical fissure pain during defecation? I'm so worried I'm going to get the LIS and still have this horrible pressure feeling

Yes, I get the "golfball" pressure sensation a lot -- especially at night, but also during the day. And I don't hurt when defecating.

My GP says that AF is very easily influenced by emotional states, and that this is why my pain tends to be worse at night, because there are fewer restraints on how one is feeling then, and one is lying down and is less on the defence. She also holds out the possibility of Botox and LIS to me, but warns me that they are not guaranteed to work for everyone. She understands my fears and tells me that I need to live my life a day or a week at a time, and not indulge in "what ifs". When the time comes for my surgery I will know it, and only I can make the decision to undergo it.

2014 Anal fissure
2015 CAT, EUA, sigmoidoscopy, 2 MRI
2016 Pain severe then moderate to low
2017 Moderate pain
2018 Physical therapy, pain management
2019-20 Living with it
2021 Still AF
2022 Therapy, meditation
2023 Pneumonia
2024 CT scan, MRI, ERCP
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Re: Pressure?!?!

Postby Lewarctj » 09 Jun 2017, 10:42

I had my LIS on Wednesday and much relief. I did have a deep chronic fissure that had turned into an abcess. It was that abcess that likely caused the pressure feeling. Looking forward to regaining my life when this all heals!
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