Really worried surgery hasn't worked

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Re: Really worried surgery hasn't worked

Postby Sue27uk » 14 Apr 2012, 10:17

That's ok don't worry! I'm not too bad with the fissure so I can wait until May to see what they say. I thought the dermatologist had cracked it but I left off the steroid cream for 2 days and its flared up badly again. I asked at the pharmacist and they said I can use the steroid cream for a few more days but after that I can't so its important that I must contact the hospital asap or my GP on Monday. So not sorted yet but at least I have a follow up appointment in June and can contact them Monday for advice. I am considering going private for that too if its not sorted soon but giving them a chance to try different things first as its only what the private people would do first anyway and wait times are not too long for that. I promised myself at the start of the year I would get my health problems sorted whatever it takes (kinda my new years resolution!) and I seem to have stuck to it. I refuse to give up until I am feeling right again!!! As much as I hate to do it, being politely pushy and chasing things up seems to be the only way. I am still in work (although just had 2 weeks off for Easter - lucky me!). I keep going and try to stay positive, which does get hard at times but I'm better than I was before. Just frustrating to be fighting 2 or 3 problems with the docs telling you there's nothing wrong. I know there is something wrong and at least they believe me about the existence of the fissures and skin complaint now!! The hospitals are taking me seriously if the GP isn't!! Anyway, hope you are well and not feeling too bad. Your CRS shouldn't have done that if you are still not right, gosh thats bad! Is that the guy you went to see privately aswell? You're right, it will get better in the end. So are you going back to the guy to see him again or has he discharged you? :)
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Re: Really worried surgery hasn't worked

Postby Layla85 » 15 Apr 2012, 15:55

Essentially he's discharged me (wasn't my CRS I saw annoyingly- bless you NHS!) but I think if it keeps feeling weird I'll go see GP again. I've changed my GP and my new one is great which really helps. But things HAVE improved so for now I will count my blessings.
I'm so sorry to hear your skin condition has flared up that sucks. This sounds mad (and perhaps I've mentioned this to you before) but have you considered going to see a herbalist? I know people who've had horrible skin conditions and going down that route rather than steroid creams has been life-changing.
Keep being pushy with your docs and don't give up, that is exactly the right attitude! It's your body and your life and you deserve to feel good!
Keep us up to date with how you go Sue, best wishes x
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Re: Really worried surgery hasn't worked

Postby Sue27uk » 17 Apr 2012, 13:57

Will do, no don't think you have mentioned a herbalist. Yep it's kinda like I'm not using the steroid cream anymore its so sore. I'm goin cold turkey and not putting any cream on to see what happens, to be fair it couldn't get too much worse! At least you have a good GP, I am changing GPs soon, have had some recommendations from people around and think I am going to go to the medical centre nearby as people seem to be pleased with the place.
On the positive side my fissure situation seems slightly better. Managed to go to the outdoor learning course yesterday, could do all the teambuilding stuff, walked the orienteering bit, and did all the bushcraft stuff. Only thing I didn't do was the bouldering/rock climbing for obvious reasons! If this skin condition could be sorted I would almost be feeling on the way to recovery in some ways. Although I have had a few spasms today after getting slightly stressed, trying to calm myself down.
Glad you're improved, and I hope things continue to improve. Same to you, keep in touch :)
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Re: Really worried surgery hasn't worked

Postby alex.h » 21 Oct 2015, 16:52

Don't worry! It takes time to heal. It took me a full month after surgery before I felt like I was back to where I was *before* surgery. It was incredibly frustrating at the time. But by the end of the second month, I felt much improved. Ultimately it took a full year for me to feel 99% healed. Hopefully it won't take that long for you. (I had my fissure for 5 years before having surgery done. I really should have opted for surgery much sooner.)
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