Hi guys
I had surgery 4 days ago (see my other posts for info) and despite the expected post-surgery pain, I felt very 'relaxed' down there. This may be TMI but I had my first 'normal' looking bm in well over a year- happy day! But now when I go to the loo I feel like I'm spasming and the BMs come out much thinner or aren't as formed. I didn't have a fissurectomy or anything like that so I can't put it down to that. My crs was extremely conservative with what he did, he hasn't even fully removed my largest tag. It's like the surgery hasn't worked at all...If anything I just feel like my fissure has retorn.
I've stopped taking movicol as I was advised to try and make my bms bulkier, so I'm now taking a sachet of fybogel in the morning and evening. Could it be that do you think? Any advice would be much appreciated I feel like I'm going out of my mind!