Reasonable Adjustments at work

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Reasonable Adjustments at work

Postby flatfish » 26 Apr 2022, 04:22

Has anyone successfully asked for reasonable adjustments at work?

I am job hunting at the moment and it's hard to be able to imagine getting to work on time with the way things are at the moment. Most of my day until midday is taken up with pain management after a BM. I am also cautious as in the past when I worked early mornings, it made me constipated. Basically I need to be able to go when the urge comes, and not be commuting at that time!

I am only working very, very part time from home at the moment.

Perhaps asking to work afternoons only (I'm applying for part time roles)? Or to have some kind of flare up protocol.
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Re: Reasonable Adjustments at work

Postby Rich44 » 26 Apr 2022, 13:53

That's a great question. I told you before that I personally lived with the pain for a couple of years at work, but for the final four years I was working remotely so I didn't have to deal with that as I could treat myself at home (or wherever I was staying). While at work my typical BM would come around 10am, so I was already at the office but again I could deal with pain that was a 6 or 7 because it had been at 9 or 10 when I was having a BM. Since you are treating this as a medical issue, you probably need to discuss this with a potential employer but I don't really know the rules with all of that.

My best advice is get a work from home job until you are healed. But I think you already know this.
- You have to deal with pain management until midday after a BM
- You need to go when the urge comes and not be commuting

So don't commute. Go when the urge comes and do all the pain management you need. Definitely work at home. I love working remotely (as I call it) because not only can I work from home, I can work from anywhere. I take really long trips for weeks (or months) and still work. I should mention that I work as an independent contractor so I make my own schedule.
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
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