Recent LIS & Fissurectomy

Seeking advice for recovery

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Recent LIS & Fissurectomy

Postby Ouchy-bum » 02 Mar 2017, 22:08

Hey guys, new to the forum but so glad to have found it! I just had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy and a fissurectomy two days ago and I'm really struggling to identify what is normal and what should cause concern. I have been dealing with this particular fissure for almost a year but the problem has been happening on and off for over 8 years when I gave birth to a pretty large baby. I've been told that my main problem is a rectocele and/or pelvic floor damage and the fissures and hemorrhoids are basically a symptom. My CRS said that we couldn't even do the tests to determine the extent of the rectocele until the fissure is healed so I had to do the LIS and fissurectomy. Now that I am 2 days post op, I am very concerned because I still have not had a bowel movement. I'm really afraid that the rectocele is preventing me from moving my bowels and it's going to hinder my recovery. I'm looking for some advice on how long it should take to have a bowel movement after LIS and when should I start to freak out? I'm also interested to know how long people typically take off work following surgery as I am supposed to return on Monday but my CRS thinks I should be off for 3 weeks. I'm just feeling very overwhelmed and uneasy about my recovery and would really appreciate any feedback from those who have been through it! Thanks!
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Re: Recent LIS & Fissurectomy

Postby chachacha » 03 Mar 2017, 09:22

I only had LIS and didn't have a rectocele, but my surgeon told me to "take action" if I hadn't had a bowel movement by day 4. It actually did come on day 4 and just slid out very easily. After surgery, the bowel naturally slows down, so while 4 days is at the end of the normal range, most people who have reported on this forum seem to go on day 3. I personally think that going back to work after only 5 days is probably far too early, but there have been a couple of really lucky people who have been able to do it. Good luck and do keep us posted on your progress.

Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
LIS January, 2015
Hemorrhoidectomy December, 2017
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Re: Recent LIS & Fissurectomy

Postby Ouchy-bum » 03 Mar 2017, 19:57

Thanks for responding! I called my surgeon's office today since I still had not been able to go #2 and the nurse told me to go to the ER. I really did not want to do that so I pleaded with her for some alternative options and she suggested that I take 4 Senokots and if that didn't work to use a fleet enema. I took the Senokots around 1 this afternoon and eventually did have a very small movement, which felt like a porcupine coming out! I consider that a success though and will give it until tomorrow before taking anything else. I did convince the nurse to meet me half way with the issue of returning to work and she agreed to release me to go back on the 13th. I'm happy with that because as much as I want to go back next week it is probably a good idea to hold off another week and give myself a little more time to heal. I would go crazy if I had to be off for the full 3 weeks! I'm still interested to hear from anyone who has experienced the rectocele.
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Re: Recent LIS & Fissurectomy

Postby GilmoreGirl » 03 Mar 2017, 20:06


I'm in a similar situation - may or may not have a rectocele, but my sphincter muscles are so tight it's hard for them to tell. In any case, my extremely tight sphincter makes it nearly impossible to have a bm and has resulted in hemorrhoids. I often find just a small bulb enema with warm (not hot) water helps a lot and is fairly gentle.

Have you ever read about "splinting" during a bm? You can insert a finger in the vagina and press backwards while having a bm, to help prevent stool from being trapped in the rectocele.

Hope that helps a little!

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