Rectal exam pain

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Rectal exam pain

Postby Worrymaster » 04 Jul 2018, 03:14

Hi guys
I have a massive fear of AF, have had a few and live in constant fear of more. It’s an obsession, when I have one or think I have one I go into panic mode, major anxiety and slightly mad! I’m in the middle of an ‘episode’ right now, saw my GP yday, she examined me and told me there’s nothing there at all, completely normal. However....the examination was REALLY painful and now it hurts after a BM. Can anyone put my mind at rest as to a possible cause of this? Thank you everyone.
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Re: Rectal exam pain

Postby Worrymaster » 04 Jul 2018, 07:39

Update: I was right all along, had a BM, pain and bleeding. Sent me to that awful place of obsessing and freaking out and panicking. Don’t want to leave the house, don’t know what to eat, don’t understand how my GP could say there was nothing when there was. My brain is whizzing all over the place now and I don’t know how to calm down. Will I be like this forever?
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Re: Rectal exam pain

Postby patience_and_healing » 04 Jul 2018, 14:45

Sometimes fissures aren't visible during an exam even though they are present. That's probably why the GP couldn't see them. It sounds like you need some extra help dealing with the anxiety that this is causing. Perhaps counseling would be a good place to start. AFs can be terribly unpleasant, but if the result is that you don't even want to leave the house, then that's not something that should be just left untreated.
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Re: Rectal exam pain

Postby Worrymaster » 04 Jul 2018, 15:35

Thank you patience_and_healing, you’re absolutely right, my anxiety is a huge problem but only manifests around AF, it’s my ‘Achilles heel’ so to speak. Whilst I’m in this spiral, nothing else matters except getting my AF fixed.
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Re: Rectal exam pain

Postby IFuckingHurt » 04 Jul 2018, 20:35

I feel you. Maybe I should just eat laxetives for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then maybe this issue will never reoccur again.

At least today, I was able to pass a stool completely painless even though yesterday was extremely painful (I took your advices).

What I take is this liquid laxative kinda. It’s not really a laxetive that really makes you shit, but rather an oil which makes your tract slippery, while at the same time it also contains some laxetive.

1 cup day and night and I don’t feel hard in my stomach anymore.
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Re: Rectal exam pain

Postby Worrymaster » 05 Jul 2018, 02:16

Hooray! A painless poo is like winning the bloody lottery at this stage, I’m a way off that yet. Keep taking he laxatives, it’s probably a stool softener so totally harmless, I take them all the time! Glad you’re on the mend, keep up the good work!
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