Hi all,
I've been reading a few posts for a week or so. It feels a bit better to see people helping each other.
A quick history of my condition:
I'm 29 years old - South Asian. I have never eaten much vegetables or fruits until recently. I've been including vegetables and fruits now in my diet for the past 2 years, quite good intake in the past 1 year. I was very active in sports until college days. I became very sedentary once I started working, being awake late in the night and having meals at erratic times etc.
I also had severe work related anxiety for a year until April 2023. I switched job and that stress slowly started fading away. I had a nasty stomach bug last July - I had to vomit around 5 times a day. Was on an antibiotic course post the infection for 3 days. 20 days later I started getting very hard bowel movements. MRI, colonoscopy, magnesium, calcium, thyroid are normal. The issue is there till today (recurring once in every 2 weeks or so resulting in re tear of my fissure) which takes a week or so to heal again. I'm getting tired of this cycle and the doctors are also unable to suggest anything other than fiber, water intake and exercise.
I was briefly on laxative (Lactulose) for a month around last October but that did not help much. My gastroenterologist put me on rifaximin this february for 15 days and resistant maltodextrin for a month. During this time I did not have even a single incidence of hard stool. Once I stopped the fiber supplement I started having issues.
I'm taking enough fiber already through diet - more fruits and vegetables everyday but still have hard stool issues at times - Mainly the initial tip. Don't know what the solution is for this.
I've been exercising considerably lately - swimming a KM every alternate day and going to the gym on the other days - Where I do strength training along with cardio. Water intake - Approximately 2.5 to 3 litres per day. BMI - 29.4
Would love to hear from you guys about your experiences of having the same issue, how I can naturally prevent hard stool from coming up as this is occupying my life and I'm stressed everyday about the next day's bowel movements. Also is there a link between my stress and hard stools? I poop everyday - I have not skipped even one day as long as I can remember. It is mainly the initial portion of the stool that is hard and the rest are normal. Thanks in advance for your help.