Sad and suffering

Anal fissure

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Sad and suffering

Postby Wantmylifebac » 24 Jan 2017, 16:07

Glad to have found this forum and surprised at the amount of people suffering from this. It started 4 weeks ago for me. Intense pain when standing, sitting during and after A bowel movement. Pain was throbbing and pain down my left buttock. Was constipated which is the norm for me. Went to the dr last week And am taking Metamucil three times a day to soften my bms which are working but still having pain after every bm that can last up to 5 or 6 hours. Pain is intense burning only relief is very warm baths. I have a follow up appt this Friday and if not better will be referred to proctologist. I live on the couch and am so depressed. I want my life back!!!
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Re: Sad and suffering

Postby Mypoorbutt » 25 Jan 2017, 02:10

Sorry to hear you are suffering it's such an awful pain that can last for hours and hours. If it does continue then try and get your doctor to prescribe you GTN or some other cream specific to a fissure as the sooner you treat them the quicker they heal.
Sitz baths are the best thing for the pain nothing you can get over the counter will touch spasm pain but lots of people find ibuprofen helps with any swelling and inflammation.
I hope this is sorted quickly for you as no one should have to suffer this agony
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