scared to death

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scared to death

Postby blues » 19 Jul 2013, 17:07

Im waiting for the comformation call on my surgery for next Fri. I have put this off for 2 yrs.
Having 2 tags removed,a sphincterotmy and colonoscopy to look for bleeding (low iron and ferritin)
and the cause of my erratic bowls going from 0 for days to not being able to get out of the house in the morning. I leave for a week at the beach the day after and hope this too wasa good idea.
will i be able to sit ? when fissure is flared up i can't, I have to lay on side...
I have been good for a few weeks now, but there seems to be a cycle and I know soon I will get that sudden ,severe Ice pick pain that makes me jump up and run around ! And i know it is staring again and the hrs of pain & blood is soon to be seen. so i have to do this but I am scared to death ;(.
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Re: scared to death

Postby blues » 19 Jul 2013, 17:09

call came, Fri. it is. now i can stress out over the "clean out" befor surgery.
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Re: scared to death

Postby marg6043 » 19 Jul 2013, 21:17

blues, hi there, is ok to feel a bit anxious on your upcoming surgery day, now, you say that you are going to the beach after?, did I read correctly, I believe that if you are going for fissure surgery you will not be in any mood to do anything but resting for a few days comfortable at home.
I hope your surgery goes well.
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Re: scared to death

Postby blues » 19 Jul 2013, 23:19

Yes,... My husband and have had the beach house booked for a long time, it's not a long ride thankfully. I dont know what to expect really, but long as i can sit in a beach chair I should be good, i hope.
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Re: scared to death

Postby marg6043 » 20 Jul 2013, 08:01

blues, depending the type of procedure and how well you do is what dictate how you will feel after.
I know that going to the beach is a wonderful idea, but while I never had fissure surgery as mine healed naturally after a year, I have read many stories of others experiences with LIS.
Just make sure that you ask your doctor for the post OP instructions to make sure that is ok for you to got to the beach.
Some people are no able to do anything but rest for days before been able to move on to more activities.
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Re: scared to death

Postby owmybum » 20 Jul 2013, 11:58

I think relaxing on the beach might be good for you.... But as marg says.. It's always a good idea to ask the crs.
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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