by blues » 19 Jul 2013, 17:07
Im waiting for the comformation call on my surgery for next Fri. I have put this off for 2 yrs.
Having 2 tags removed,a sphincterotmy and colonoscopy to look for bleeding (low iron and ferritin)
and the cause of my erratic bowls going from 0 for days to not being able to get out of the house in the morning. I leave for a week at the beach the day after and hope this too wasa good idea.
will i be able to sit ? when fissure is flared up i can't, I have to lay on side...
I have been good for a few weeks now, but there seems to be a cycle and I know soon I will get that sudden ,severe Ice pick pain that makes me jump up and run around ! And i know it is staring again and the hrs of pain & blood is soon to be seen. so i have to do this but I am scared to death ;(.