Scheduled LIS Today

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Re: Scheduled LIS Today

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 09 Jul 2018, 20:02

How did it go j_gopie?
Deleted User 7275

Re: Scheduled LIS Today

Postby Ekdreamer » 20 Jul 2018, 03:36

Hey how are things so far?
Scheduled for an LIS tomorrow *yikes*
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Re: Scheduled LIS Today

Postby Ekdreamer » 20 Jul 2018, 23:34

Having LIS in the next few hours. Hoping and praying that everything goes well
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Re: Scheduled LIS Today

Postby missy moo » 21 Jul 2018, 01:32

Hey you will be absolutely fine think positivity soon you'll be on the road too recovery an this will all be behind you
missy moo
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Re: Scheduled LIS Today

Postby Ekdreamer » 21 Jul 2018, 02:50

Thank you Missy :-)
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Re: Scheduled LIS Today

Postby chachacha » 21 Jul 2018, 08:59

I hope that all went well and that you're back online soon, to tell us all about us.
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Fissure diagnosed in 2011
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Re: Scheduled LIS Today

Postby Ekdreamer » 21 Jul 2018, 09:07

Actually the doc said the fissure was small so instead of LIS he went for Standard Anal Dilation.....i didn't even know about such a thing
....just woken up and I don't feel anything really but I guess it's because Of The anaesthesia still being just hoping this nightmare will end soon
Will keep you guys posted :-)
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Re: Scheduled LIS Today

Postby missy moo » 21 Jul 2018, 20:09

Great to hear your not feeling anything rest up
missy moo
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Re: Scheduled LIS Today

Postby BrooklynButt » 02 Aug 2018, 11:36

Hey there Ekdreamer, how are you feeling lately? I saw that you were a relatively recent poster and I have been looking into alternatives to LIS (want to use that only as an absolute last resort). Has the Standard Anal Dilation been working ok for you so far?
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Re: Scheduled LIS Today

Postby Ekdreamer » 02 Aug 2018, 12:03

Hey there Brooklyn, ive been meaning to post about it but had exams and it became hard blah blah blah. To the point, i actually knew I was going to be having LIS until I had changed into the hospital gown when I heard doc say to my dad that he would be doing a "small" dilation. Was given local anaesthesia and sedation.Procedure was done and it was pretty easy. Didnt feel anything afterwards and was out of hospital in 3-4 hrs including recovery time. Wasnt incontinent at all just a lot of passing wind which I could control and the anal hole definitely felt loser. I didn't have a BM until day 3 after the dilation and honestly I was extremely nervous because you know 3 days and no BM means a hard bm when you finally go.I was also using duphalac for the stool softener. BM was pretty easy, normal with some pain, I would say maybe a 4/10 but way better than before and there were no spasms and pain after. I actually managed to go to school, seat my exams and not think about my butt for the entire day
My diet was still pretty easy and a lot of bland foods and pureed stuff. Second Bm was much much better with the pain at a 2/10 and zero pain after. I think I got pretty confident and indulged a little in the wrong food which set me back to a 6/10 level of pain but zero spasms. This got me really down because I thought I was finally getting a hold of it but I guess you just never know with this thing. One minute am completely pain free and the next it's back.
I will be seeing my doc again for the 2 week check up on Saturday because I think the dilation is a continuous thing and he may dilate some more, I am not sure about that bit but I will post on here after the check up
Overall everything is much better than before, other than the little pain when passing stool, which BTW has gradually lessened, atleast I can go about my life afterwards without any pain and I can have a BM without taking painkillers after.
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