Hi everyone,
Well, I've reached the end of my rope with this fissure and I'm out of other options. I'm just plain tired from dealing with this fissure, which I've had for the past 3 years. It improved for a while with Diltiazem ointment and I was able to function decently for about a year or two (with flare-ups... I could always feel it was still there and never healed), but once I became allergic to that medication, everything just went south again and I've been in pain ever since. I just can't take it anymore. That muscle is just too tight and needs to be fixed.
I saw my CRS yesterday (the first one I saw in the beginning) and since he can't see my fissure at all (which is internal) because of how tight I am and how much pain I'm experiencing, he wants to do an exam under general anesthesia at a surgery center. He said if he finds a fissure, he will perform the LIS and a fissurectomy to clean up any scar tissue that is preventing it from healing properly. All I have to do is schedule the EUA/surgery. I don't need an enema beforehand (thank God!) and probably just a laxative to clear me out the night before, and they will be using Propofol with LMA (no endotracheal tube, apparently, because the procedure is so short).
I am absolutely TERRIFIED of surgery. I have always hated medical stuff and hospitals and have a history of anxiety, depression, panic attacks and stress-induced fainting spells, which makes all of this even more difficult for me. It just runs in my family. I take Prozac (I have since middle school) and that helps to some extent, but my anxiety tends to lead to pretty bad panic attacks when I'm under a lot of stress. I really need the help and support of people on the forum who have been through this procedure.
I am scared out of my mind, but I know I don't have a choice since I just cannot live my life like this anymore. I want my life back! I want to be able to make plans without worrying about how I'll be feeling later in the day when sometimes I get horrible spasms. I want to be able to go out with friends, work a normal job, and travel again. I hate being home all the time. I'm just miserable this way.
I think what scares me most is just not being able to control my anxiety when I get to the surgery center on the scheduled day. I want to be able to go through with it and not have a major panic attack. I will probably need some sort of medication to take beforehand to hopefully control it. I don't want to chicken out on this because I know I need it and I just want to be knocked out once I get there! Actually going through with it is going to be the hardest part for me and will be the hardest thing I will ever have to do in my life (so far). So I think I'm most afraid of just being afraid to the point of freaking out/fainting/having a major panic attack. Fear of being afraid and out of control, I guess?
I also worry about the recovery and how painful that will be, too, as well as the incontinence risk. Recovery stories are so mixed on this forum. I just hope and pray I get some relief. My CRS said 70-80% of his patients feel better right after the surgery. I hope I am one of them.
I wanted to ask my CRS for some sort of anti-anxiety med (like Valium or Ativan) I could take to help me get through the upcoming weeks before my procedure in case I have panic issues and for the night before the procedure, but forgot to ask. I had already asked him for some Vicodin just in case I had horrible pain I couldn't stand before the procedure (I know it's constipating, so I avoid it like the plague in case I need it), so I didn't want to ask for something else potentially addicting. : ( Should I ask my regular doctor for something to calm me down since he knows I have anxiety issues?
Thank you for listening and sorry for the huge wall of text; I'm just trying to get my feelings sorted. Now I just have to schedule the date. Please pray for me that I get the courage and strength to go through with it. I just really want to be on the other side already with the procedure done and focusing on healing and getting better, because with the way I am now on this rollercoaster, nothing is helping or healing. : (