LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

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LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Nopooptalk@thetable » 22 Feb 2018, 23:30

I just had both done today...I think. I know I had the LIS but the rest was relayed to me by my husband and he's so lost when it comes to anything fissure or hemmie related so I've just deciphered what I can from him until tomorrow when I can call the doc. Anyhow. He said the surgeon told him there was a large hemorrhoid by one of my fissures and the hemorrhoid itself was likely causing a lot of pain because it had white things on it plus it was by my fissure. So she removed that hemorrhoid and went through that fissure to cut the sphincter muscle and theN Sewed it up. I have no pain yet but I'm worried about what may be headed my way once IV meds wear off. I'm interested to hear from others who have had the same experience and how their recovery was/has been. Thank you! This forum has been a Godsend to me during my darkest hours enduring the fissure pains the last two years. I really appreciate reading everyone's woes, stories, triumphs, and healing stories. :huggies:
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Mypoorbutt » 23 Feb 2018, 03:41

Hi glad you have had the op...yes husbands can be a little lost when trying to explain things lol
I had LIS but I have crohns so I won’t mention my recovery as it wasn’t a normal one unfortunately.
Most people on here who have had LIS are pretty much pain free after the first week, I would take painkillers for the first few days to a week as you will have swelling from the op and don’t want to get into the pain spasm cycle. Also lots of sitz baths as many as you can as this really promotes healing.
There are some great diaries to read Chachacha and IT both had quick recoveries
LIS is the best thing for chronic fissures especially for people with no underlying issues
All I can say for myself is there was some dark days after my LIS but I’m still 100% certain it was the right thing to do
I’m sure you will do great and in a few weeks time will be back to your life pre fissure
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Nopooptalk@thetable » 23 Feb 2018, 08:31

Thank you MPB. I actually read about half of your thread the night before my surgery because I could not sleep. It oddly helped calms my nerves reading about how well you mentally handled it all and assuming my road would be easier since I don't have crohns. Like, if MPB can mentally get through this with her added issues, I can handle my recovery. Even in your darkest days, you still had a air of hope and fight and that was really great to read. Also those following your feed and taking about their experiences was helpful as well.

I woke up at 3am and the pain was starting to set in. The doctor told my husband to keep ahead of it all by staying on top of pain meds so I took one of both of the types she prescribed and while I waiting for that to kick in, I started pulling off the tape holding the ginormous dressing on my butt. Just in case I needed to hop in the tub. By the time I got most of the tape off, the pain was gone and I fell back asleep. My 4yo woke me up around 6:45 I guess. So far I feel okay but I feel like I'll need to use the restroom soon and I'm so nervous for that first BM.
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Mypoorbutt » 23 Feb 2018, 10:42

Thank you for your kind words :thankyou:

I often worried that my recovery may put people off so I try to make it obvious I’m an unusual case lol.
As you know I believe there is nothing worse than the pain of a full on spasm and that no one should have to live like that. But the amazing thing is we don’t have too and LIS is a cure even for complicated people like me.
Having read my thread you will have seen how I handled my first BM, I wish I had thought like chachacha and stood over the toilet but hey plainly my brain doesn’t work that way. However you have the first BM it’s never as bad as we think it will be. Once it’s out of the way it gets easier every day.
Having children helps, you have to get up every morning for them so even after a bad night we still carry on as normal which thankfully takes our focus away from our butts for a bit.
Good luck with the BM :D
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Nopooptalk@thetable » 23 Feb 2018, 10:49

Thank you hun. My husband is thnakfully off for 8 days to help me out. He's actually making me a broth based soup right now (although I peeled the garlic for him in bed. That's a first lol)

I called the doctor's office and spoke to the nurse. She said the surgeon removed an anal papilla (I don't even know what that is) and did a hemorrhoidectomy and an LIS all on the same side. She said she doesn't think my recovery will be any different than if I had just had an LIS but I'm not sure I believe her lol. Still no pain although sore a bit. I think I'm just going to stay in bed today.

Any idea why my abs are so sore? Is it from how they position you? They hurt from the second I woke up yesterday from surgery. Not bad, but like I had done a fairly intense ab workout.
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby chachacha » 23 Feb 2018, 11:45

You could have been pulled in an unusual way too, as they moved you from surgical bed to the recovery one. My husband had a rib broken as they moved him after his surgery (dropped him a little) for a heart bypass.
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Nopooptalk@thetable » 23 Feb 2018, 12:09

Oh my goodness that sounds awful!!!
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Mypoorbutt » 23 Feb 2018, 15:15

Lol the things we do when we have a fissure...must admit I haven’t peeled garlic in bed although that’s way less embarrassing than having to poop in the shower :oops:
I can’t imagine how your recovery will be the same when you have had 3 procedures done, I think medical staff in general totally underestimate how long it takes to recover. Only my current CRS has been honest and when I had Botox and fissurectomy told me to have two week off work.
I agree with CCC my arm was hurting a lot after my Botox and when I looked in the mirror I had bruises, sometimes they aren’t gentle when moving people.
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Nopooptalk@thetable » 23 Feb 2018, 15:34

Well, if it makes you feel any better one particular flare up I had, I was starting to feel better using the nitro cream but we were out of town at a friend's house. My stomach always gets a little messed out of town and I was scared I was about to spiral downhill so I took some milk of magnesia. It kicked in within 30 minutes and I ran to our friend's spare restroom.

Keep in mind, my internal sphincter is super tight and does not relax for me to go. I've always been quite messing trying to get any BM to pass....but this one was something else. I somehow managed to rooster tail the back of the toilet and entire wall behind me. I had to take my shirt off to make sure poop hadn't ricocheted back onto me (it hadn't thank goodness) and I had to flush 3-4 times and clean the scene of the crime. I came out of the bathroom a good twenty minutes later and a group of friends were hysterically laughing and I do NOT have a poker face so I came clean about the dirty. Turns out them laughing was a complete coincidence. They hadn't heard anything!! But luckily they just got a good laugh out of it and pointed me to the Clorox wipes.

When I would get scared prior to surgery, I tried to think of all the side effects I have dealt with such as trouble passing gas and in turn feeling uncomfortable a lot after meals, messy BMs, etc. and how soon, I may just be able to drop a load off and feel completely emptied and happy and not on the floor in a panic attack!

So far I'm happy I went through with the surgery. I've missed so many things during a flare up and although I'm scared about recovery, there's light at the end of the tunnel. I won't have to skip my sons soccer practice, I won't have to skip the gym, I won't have to give my kids fruit loops for breakfast 5 days in a row because I'm spasming all morning long and standing in one spot to cook is torture. I won't have to make up excuses to not join friends or family for a get together or event (our close friends know and couldn't be more supportive but my inlaws have zero sympathy or empathy and act like it's a little papercut to the finger).

Anyways, that's my pain pill induced hopeful little rabbit trail. I've been so much more emotional after this most recent fissure flare up because it's been about two full weeks of constant spasming and no sleep!
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Re: LIS and possible hemorrhoidectomy today

Postby Mypoorbutt » 23 Feb 2018, 16:04

Oh goodness that must have been an interesting afternoon, but thanx it does make my shower escapade a bit less traumatic...yes I can totally relate to missing out on things. Before my LIS I used to go out with friends and they would eat and drink and I would have a black tea and chips. With my crohns I have often had to drag my children out of cinemas and my kids now look for toilet for me when we go anywhere.
Obviously LIS hasn’t cured my crohns but I am certainly eating more variety and have the occasional alcoholic drink without the worry that I will set my spasms off if I go to the toilet more than once.
I’m sure you will do great as long as you keep on top of your pain. Yes at week 5 I was in hell and seriously contemplating a colostomy but by week 12 I was getting back to normal. Our bodies can and will heal we just have to give them the best chance and time
Oh yes if a paper cut is more painful than childbirth without drugs and broken bones dislocated joints and 20 years of crohns then yes I guess you could relate a fissure to a paper cut :affraid: :lol:
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