Thank you for your kind words
I often worried that my recovery may put people off so I try to make it obvious I’m an unusual case lol.
As you know I believe there is nothing worse than the pain of a full on spasm and that no one should have to live like that. But the amazing thing is we don’t have too and LIS is a cure even for complicated people like me.
Having read my thread you will have seen how I handled my first BM, I wish I had thought like chachacha and stood over the toilet but hey plainly my brain doesn’t work that way. However you have the first BM it’s never as bad as we think it will be. Once it’s out of the way it gets easier every day.
Having children helps, you have to get up every morning for them so even after a bad night we still carry on as normal which thankfully takes our focus away from our butts for a bit.
Good luck with the BM