Scientists Develop Surgical Super Glue,Seals Wounds in sec

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Scientists Develop Surgical Super Glue,Seals Wounds in sec

Postby b-complex » 03 Feb 2018, 17:49

“It’s like applying sealant to a leaky roof.”
Scientists have developed an elastic gel which seals wounds in 60 seconds for both external and internal injuries.
University of Sydney researchers partnered with Harvard and North Eastern University in the United States to develop the gel called “MeTro” which stands for methacryloyl-substituted tropoelastin.
Unlike stitches and staples, the gel-like substance allows for natural healing of damaged tissue without leaving any marks or residue. MeTro also limits the need for surgery when it comes to addressing punctures, cuts, and other types of wounds.
Using MeTro is easy. Just apply the substance to the wound and activate it with light. The substance will then do its job and start the healing process.
Assistant professor Nasim Annabi from Northeastern University said: “The beauty of the MeTro formulation is that, as soon as it comes in contact with tissue surfaces, it solidifies into a gel-like phase without running away.”
University of Sydney’s Professor Anthony Weiss described the medical gel: “When you watch MeTro, you can see it act like a liquid, filling the gaps and conforming to the shape of the wound.” ... 29568?pg=1
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Re: Scientists Develop Surgical Super Glue,Seals Wounds in s

Postby OhGodHelpMe » 02 Mar 2018, 11:02

That sounds so hopeful!!! I hope it works
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