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Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

heh heh ; ))))) ! WHAT !!! Maybe I will find some new "do it yourself" home remedy ; ))) and strat selling it in a kit , ahhahahah. Stake knife looks pretty "dainty". Not to mention that during my Biology studies I was the best in any dissection procedure - did some procedures th...
by Fissulyna
02 Nov 2007, 17:04
Forum: Diet Tips / Supplements
Topic: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?
Replies: 14
Views: 4605

Re: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?

Ibuprofen makes my stomach go crazy - I mean I get diarrhea INSTANTLY : (. I also can't take Alive and such. So, I asked 3 days ago for Relafen, (Nabutamene sp?), which is NSAID that I took for 2 years while I had Fibro. It does, as all NSAIDs effects liver and kidneys and can cause internal bleedin...
by Fissulyna
02 Nov 2007, 15:50
Forum: Diet Tips / Supplements
Topic: Ibuprofen - how many for how long?
Replies: 14
Views: 4605

Re: Hi : (

Hello my friends : ), Thanks for info about your ways to keep "it soft down there" ; ) ! Yes LECIA, did you notice Fe in everything too !!! My gosh - like we live in Urunda Burundi and need every bite to be fortified with all kinds of vitamins and minerals - just silly ! I just bought Mg c...
by Fissulyna
02 Nov 2007, 15:07
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Hi : (
Replies: 51
Views: 9168

Re: Hi : (

Thanks Kim and Lecia : ) !!! This is my first day that I went to the bathroom only twice - horaaaaaaaaay !!!!!! I skipped the lunch though - had just protein shake and I took it easy on Metamucil tonight - I had vegetable stew anyway - should be enough fiber. Can you believe that I used metamucil ev...
by Fissulyna
31 Oct 2007, 21:53
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Hi : (
Replies: 51
Views: 9168

Re: What is this?? any insights?

I didn't have surgery yet but what I read so far and what my CRS told me it is harder (slower) healing process with skin tags being removed at the same time. Just because it is some extra wounds to heal - so I wouldn't worry too much unless some rest and 2-3 days of that do not help. If you had no p...
by Fissulyna
31 Oct 2007, 21:38
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: What is this?? any insights?
Replies: 23
Views: 3778

Re: Post surgery update

Oh, I like mineral oil !!! It lubricates guts so BM just slides out (sorry for the "visuals" ), but I can't live without it . It is one of the major things that helps me have painless BMs. My biggest problem now are spasms -giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz, is there any end ???? http://r15.imgfas...
by Fissulyna
31 Oct 2007, 17:54
Forum: LIS - Considering surgery or already had it?
Topic: Post surgery update
Replies: 22
Views: 4018

Re: Hi : (

Okey-doke Kim : )))! I will have to hypnotize myself "staaaaay awaaaay from the evil pruuuuunes, staaaaaaaaay awaaaaaaaay from the ..." now what about that fire bag : )))) - should I extinguish it by my left over cantaloupes ???? Oh how I wish we all can have party together , laugh and cry...
by Fissulyna
31 Oct 2007, 17:45
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Hi : (
Replies: 51
Views: 9168


Oh, thats a great idea !!!! I was just thinking today about supplementing my diet with protein shakes but was wondering if they could have "hardening" effect on BM ? I guess I will never know if I do not try. Maybe I can mix some prunes in it , ha ha ha, this is just to make Kim cringe heh...
by Fissulyna
31 Oct 2007, 15:24
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Hi : (
Replies: 51
Views: 9168

Re: Hi : (

Hi Lecia : ), Nice that you can go to chirop. : )))! It must be relaxing. I would like to try acupuncture but don't know how if I would have enough energy now to go there in this state. My CRS observed my miserable state ; ), it is now very obvious just by looking at my under eye bags , pale skin an...
by Fissulyna
31 Oct 2007, 11:34
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Hi : (
Replies: 51
Views: 9168

Re: just diagnosed

Dear Paingosouth, I completely understand how you feel : (. Just 3 months ago I was like Energizer Bunny doing 10 tasks at once, eating whatever I wanted , going out , having fun, have friend over - now I can hardly make myself get up out of the bed in the morning because i know how my day will look...
by Fissulyna
30 Oct 2007, 23:28
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: just diagnosed
Replies: 19
Views: 4269

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