Search found 52 matches: Colonoscopy

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Diarrhea after colonoscopy/Botox?

I'm not sure if it's due to my procedure or my anal fissure friendly diet but it's day 3 and still full on diarrhea. I've dropped my evening dose of movicol and added in half fybogel. Not sure what to do. I don't want to swing the opposite way. Anyone have this experience?
by Okaybum
11 Jul 2019, 01:00
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Diarrhea after colonoscopy/Botox?
Replies: 3
Views: 1087

Advice on Whether to Get Colonoscopy to Rule Out Crohns

... have a high resting pressure or tight sphincter. Later in the day she wrote, "After thinking more about your case, I think you should have a colonoscopy to check for Crohns. Fissures can be an early sign of Crohns." Later in the day I went to see the CRS who gave me a digital and scope ...
by RumBum
03 Mar 2018, 12:43
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Advice on Whether to Get Colonoscopy to Rule Out Crohns
Replies: 2
Views: 1063

Devastated after Colonoscopy results were negative

... vicious cycle of unbearable pain - usually lasting a week or two. I also develop hemorrhoids occasionally. I finally got the willpower to have a colonoscopy last week. The fissure was not "open" at the time, which isn't surprising because the prep for the exam made the last day's bowel ...
by baaroo
22 Feb 2018, 15:27
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Devastated after Colonoscopy results were negative
Replies: 5
Views: 2500

Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

I'm trying to prepare my "food" and drink (and myself) for tomorrow's prep for my colonoscopy on Friday. Hopefully, my doc can figure out the cause of my painful and bloody BMs.

I would appreciate any last minute prep advice that could be thrown my way.
by William2
13 Dec 2017, 12:53
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?
Replies: 28
Views: 7348

Question about colonoscopy and biopsies. Ouchhhh

... an anal fissure or 2 (it feels like) for 3 years now. I’m 24, make. I saw a colorectal surgeon a couple months ago so he told me he wanted to do a colonoscopy. I thought it was a bad idea but he assured me I’ll be under anaesthetic and I wouldn’t feel a thing, although I was worried this will make ...
by Jimoffy
11 Nov 2017, 05:20
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Question about colonoscopy and biopsies. Ouchhhh
Replies: 0
Views: 670

Colonoscopy made me 10x worse!

... year which really helped with the pain, could do painless bms regularly. Anyway went to a crs a few months back for it and he suggested I get a colonoscopy to rule out anything else for causing the fissures. So anyway I got this done on Thursday, 4 days ago. I woke up and the surgeon had gone ...
by Jimoffy
05 Nov 2017, 12:03
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Colonoscopy made me 10x worse!
Replies: 5
Views: 1527

First colonoscopy tomorrow :(

I finally have one and after researching it I'm terrified. Horror stories of infections or internal bleeding or perforation...I want to figure this out so I can stop the pain and bleeding but I have severe anxiety and I'm scared it'll just cause more problems. Any words of advice for prep or during ...
by Tryingtofindabalance
16 Oct 2017, 16:04
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: First colonoscopy tomorrow :(
Replies: 2
Views: 1023

Should I do a colonoscopy or not?

... was back. Since then, I have been to another doctor, a surgeon who does anal procedures but he claims that before doing any procedures I must do a colonoscopy, and an endoscopy! For the last 3 or 4 days the pain is growing with every BM, and even though it is not YET as painful as before, it is ...
by Fissura anal
22 Sep 2017, 08:37
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Should I do a colonoscopy or not?
Replies: 4
Views: 1752

Why would I need a colonoscopy for fissures?

... I've had for a few years. He prescribed me diltiazem cream to use for 6 weeks, and said that if it does or does not heal, he would like to do a colonoscopy either way. Just wondering why I might need a colonoscopy? I'm 24 male
by Jimoffy
07 Sep 2017, 17:52
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Why would I need a colonoscopy for fissures?
Replies: 3
Views: 1184

Colonoscopy in 5 hours!! Here is my bowel prep experience

Hi all, I thought I'd make a write up of my experience with my first ever colonoscopy prep. It's 5:30 AM the day of my colonoscopy and I'm STILL pooping so I'm by no means done with the situation, so I will update as the day goes. Warning, I'll probably get kinda ...
by bbmz
15 Aug 2017, 08:26
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Colonoscopy in 5 hours!! Here is my bowel prep experience
Replies: 1
Views: 1178

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