Search found 311 matches: Manuka

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Re: Manuka honey works wonders on a fissure

I have New Zealand Manuka Honey, but confess that I only tried it once on the 'area'. It was sticky and it put me off, which is a little silly of me. So I started eating it instead... I think I will try again, and get some coconut ...
by Savaici
14 Mar 2012, 10:13
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Manuka honey works wonders on a fissure
Replies: 6
Views: 15504

Re: Manuka honey works wonders on a fissure

Hey Tuberose, Are you using the manuka honey this time around? Do you think if you kept using it, it would help shrink your sentinel? My sentinel is in an awkward position, because of a scar at the base of my fissure, from a previous sentinel ...
by workingonit
14 Mar 2012, 09:50
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Manuka honey works wonders on a fissure
Replies: 6
Views: 15504

Re: Bad day :(

... something more benign til you see the doctor again? You could look up these ones on the forum; aloe vera gel, virgin coconut oil, wheatgrass, manuka honey, lanolin... They won't cure you by themselves, but they are helpful tools in the AF tool box. Hope you have a better day tomorrow! :) -Tanya
by workingonit
14 Mar 2012, 09:34
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Bad day :(
Replies: 10
Views: 2520

Re: Coconut oil!!

I love coconut oil. I use a generous amount of extra virgin coconut oil on the area too when it's healing. I also use manuka honey to make it heal (check my post in general). Both natural products that really work.
by Tuberose
14 Mar 2012, 00:50
Forum: Diet Tips / Supplements
Topic: Coconut oil!!
Replies: 19
Views: 74340

Manuka honey works wonders on a fissure

hi again ...I'd just like to mention how I treated my last fissure. I applied manuka honey umf20+ on the area and I swear to God the fissure was healed by the next day. This honey is powerful stuff and is a natural antibiotic, its used for healing wounds that normal ...
by Tuberose
14 Mar 2012, 00:38
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Manuka honey works wonders on a fissure
Replies: 6
Views: 15504

Re: AF worse during period?

... but it also clears the wound of debris and also of non healing tissue, giving healthier tissue a chance to grow in a healthier environment. Manuka honey in particular does have many health benefits when taken internally. You want at least a UMF factor of 16 or higher. It doesn't taste anything ...
by Guest
21 Feb 2012, 16:55
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: AF worse during period?
Replies: 12
Views: 11546

Re: Help - My story - AF keeps coming back

... I've been prescribed. This has worked for me so far. Not out of the woods yet though. Other people have had luck with coconut oil, dr. wheatgrass, manuka honey. All kinds of weird stuff. But I think re-tears boil down to there being a weakness in the skin and our sphincters being too small from ...
by workingonit
17 Feb 2012, 14:12
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Help - My story - AF keeps coming back
Replies: 7
Views: 8230

Re: Manuka Honey

... honey that are healing promoters. If you like it, find some relief with it, and can tolerate it with no skin reaction, you could always step up to manuka next, which does sting more and does require some dedication because it's very messy to use in that area. It's called Bee Magic and their website ...
by Guest
15 Feb 2012, 18:43
Forum: Diet Tips / Supplements
Topic: Manuka Honey
Replies: 5
Views: 6475

Re: Manuka Honey

So jr2, do you think it is worth me getting any Manuka Honey? Did it/does it promote your fissure healing?
by busybird
15 Feb 2012, 17:21
Forum: Diet Tips / Supplements
Topic: Manuka Honey
Replies: 5
Views: 6475

Re: manuka honey

I've used manuka honey on my fissures... Just be warned that for most people it does sting at first, for some people it is pretty intense stinging. It usually subsides in about 15 minutes. I also have a product called Medihoney, ...
by Guest
15 Feb 2012, 15:22
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: manuka honey
Replies: 3
Views: 2809

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