Bad day :(

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Bad day :(

Postby Guest » 14 Mar 2012, 06:28

I thought I'd been getting better, a good few weeks with no blood and less pain than usual and todays BM ended in a fair bit of blood, couldn't stop it for like 5/10 mins, raved to hubby about it and he said phone the doctor as the doctor had previously prescribed I can't spell it but it causes headaches, and I had severe headaches resulting in being unable to look after my 18 month old and needing hubbys help and also having pains in my chest, spoke to doctor he said don't use it I'll send a letter to the surgeon who gave you Botox and removed the skin tag and see if he'll see you again and not heard anything, I don't wanna rush the doctors as they get funny and think your trying to do their job but I do need to get it looked at as GP never looks. Sorry totally pointless post just feeling really down and had enough today. Bloody bums why do they have to be such a pain.

Re: Bad day :(

Postby pat123 » 14 Mar 2012, 08:49

Not a pointless post... we've all gone through the pain and the blood and the panic, and we all need to let it out to ppl who understand.
Don't be afraid to push the docs. My girlfriend told me, call the nurse and tell them you're in pain and you need them to schedule you for an appointment this week. It worked for me a couple of times.
Take care and do something nice for yourself today, even hugging your baby or sitting in the sun.
Remember... you WILL get better.
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Re: Bad day :(

Postby workingonit » 14 Mar 2012, 09:34

Hey Fedup,
I've always been told (by ladies who work the front desk) that the squeaky wheel rule applies, when trying to get an appointment with a specialist.
A good GP would look. You could always ask him to look...
Just for peace of mind.
Gosh I hate setbacks!!!!!! Image
Since you can't use the nitro, have you considered something more benign til you see the doctor again?
You could look up these ones on the forum;
aloe vera gel, virgin coconut oil, wheatgrass, manuka honey, lanolin...
They won't cure you by themselves, but they are helpful tools in the AF tool box.
Hope you have a better day tomorrow! :)
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Re: Bad day :(

Postby Guest » 14 Mar 2012, 09:55

Thanks guys, I hate posting this but I just needed someone who understood to listen. I just feel so fed up and begining to think depressed about it all, I stay in most days with my baby sometimes we go for a walk but I dare not go far incase I need a BM and I try to make it fun for her but even I'm getting bored of being home all the time, so god knows how she feels, now we're getting better weather and summers on its way I will force myself to go out and about and not let this ruin my life but some days like today I just feel so bloody crap.
I am using Anusol (UK piles cream that helps fissures that doctors leep saying to use) and I eat fibre rich foods to help things and generally fine just have setbacks like this and makes me feel total rubbish. I'm such a whimp.

Re: Bad day :(

Postby workingonit » 14 Mar 2012, 10:06

Hey Fedup,
I totally understand. I get like that a lot too.
I'm supposed to be studying and I have a ton of stuff to do, but I find I am always wasting time looking for miracle cures online! lol :)
Walking is great. I have found it really helpful. It brings more blood to the area for healing, and it helps calm your anxious thoughts. I'm sure your baby is just happy to be with you! Do you sing to him/her? Singing is also good for depression. I also like to practice mindfulness meditation.
Anusol has hydrocortisone which can thin the skin if used over a prolonged period. If you've been using it for more than a month, IMO, you might want to try something else for a change.
I'm no doctor, but I have used hydrocortisone extensively over the history of my fissure and it never did much good.
Thank goodness summer is coming!
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Re: Bad day :(

Postby Sue27uk » 14 Mar 2012, 15:21

Not a pointless post at all. I have felt this way, think it happens to us all. Don't be afraid to push the doctors, I have found you have to! The more you ring up, the quicker you get seen!!! The way of the NHS :)
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Re: Bad day :(

Postby notmuchfunanymore » 27 Mar 2012, 15:25

Just read this since today is a bad day for me! As much as it sucks, it's good to know I'm not the only one feeling like this.
I hope you're feeling better by now. I can totally understand being stuck at home. I've got a baby & a toddler and I have so much trouble taking care of them, trying to take care of myself, and lastly trying to take care of the house--- nevermind trying to get out of the house! We've been cooped up inside for the majority of the last 3 months just because of this horrid fissure.
My emotional ups and downs has caused such a strain on my relationship with my husband, in addition to all the things he has to take on that I physically can't do anymore. I feel like this is never going to end.
Sorry- feels good to vent online! Gives my hubby a break Image
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Re: Bad day :(

Postby Guest » 28 Mar 2012, 03:11

Bugger I wrote a long reply to this and it lost it when an error occured. I can't even remember what I wrote now as I forget what I did this morning let alone last night lol but it was something like this. I struggle to cope with the fissure and piles and bms and pain and blood and look after my toddler and the house and work too let alone having 2 children, I'd be a total wreck. I'm always here if you need to rant, I often don't know where to turn, friends know about it but don't understand when I get upset and people just don't want to talk bums, it seems taboo. My family know and their pretty good but I don't tell them the gory details but hubby takes the brunt of it, he was there to help me when I had a bm just before bed and it wouldn't stop bleeding, I just broke down saying I can't do this anymore, he calmed me and gave tips to help stop the bleeding, he's always great but I worry as he gets all the details all the time thhat he'll get fed up of hearing about it and me ranting, I dunno hiw he puts up with the crying when its really bad lol

Re: Bad day :(

Postby workingonit » 28 Mar 2012, 09:25

Hey Fedup,
You sound at your wits end fedup, and it's heartbreaking to hear. Image
what did your crs who did the botox say about the piles? are they and the fissure related?
I read of another lady on the forum who cured her piles and the fissure consequently went away. They can also both be caused by an over-tight sphincter.
Just tossing these ideas out there as that's what I tend to do when someone is feeling pain and really low. I just get this annoying need to suggest a cure. But of course I don't know one, or I wouldn't be on the forum myself! lol.
I am doing the self dilation though, but it's too early to say if it is helping.
How do you feel about LIS? Have you gotten an appointment to see your CRS again yet?
Anyways, sending you hugs and healing thoughts!!!
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Re: Bad day :(

Postby notmuchfunanymore » 28 Mar 2012, 14:52

I hear ya!
I've been having break downs lately too, spent most of the other day in tears because I thought I would've made more progress than I have lately! Been doing everything right, yet seems I'm stuck in a rut.
I would love for this to heal without botox or surgery, I'm scared of any changes potentially making it worse Image
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