Bad day :(

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Re: Bad day :(

Postby Guest » 29 Mar 2012, 00:21

To be honest I dunno if I'm not asking the right questions or if the consultant was rubbish cos he never told me much, I didn't ask much before being put under cos I was scared to death of being put under then I was sooo happy when I woke up and the pain wasn't too bad (had a skin tag removed too and an examination as well as the botox). My GP said the consultant/surgeon wasn't a big talker but great at what he did and it was then when he was looking at the notes from him that I read about the piles till then I was led to believe by consultant that it was just fissure. I'm fine I just have these odd days when it all gets too much I'm not always sad lol makes me sound mad lol just sometimes have bad days when I have setbacks. I had an appointment come through yesterday to see the consultant again (same guy as it seems he's the only 1 in my area and this time its NHS not private) but it was for when we were on holiday end of May so had to phone and change it and its now mid June, I asked hubby if he'd consider coming with me cos I get all shy and forget things and can't get my point across and he thought I only wanted him to come so I didn't have to drag me and toddler out on the bus, little does he know these appointments scare me and secretly I'm worried there's something more sinister going on (I know I'm silly I've been examined but I'm a worrier) so I just want someone there for support really. Glad I've finally got the appointment also got a GP appointment (earliest they could do is 10th April) so might get some more advice then.

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